Breakfast in bed vs Candle Light Dinner
Valentine's Day is around the corner. Would you surprise your love one with... Breakfast in bed or candle light dinner? Let's vote! 😉💕
gold bars missing (more than 100 of them...... where did they go and why?)
I had 265 gold bars yesterday, today I have 156. Anyone know how I can get the missing bars back? Thanks.
What’s this all about?
What could it be? A little birdie told me that on December 25th there is going to be a party. For those of you who were here in the community last December you probably know what it could be but please don’t give it away for anyone who just joined us in 2021. So what could it be?
Southerners and northerners free chat
I’m an Essex bloke and I’m obsessed with northern accents. My ears just go jelly when I hear it. Thinking there must be a northern lass that feels the same about us cockneys. Say hi and tell me all your weird ways like chips and gravy and I’ll tell you how wrong it all is lol.
Social Link
My Social link when lunched shows two tabs: the top tab says INVITE FRIENDS the bottom says, FRIENDS I receive no code for myself nor do I have any place to record a friend's code. Does this mean that there no new FRIENDS are available? If so, what is the SOCIAL LINK for?
Can I sync my facebook account?
How do I connect my facebook account?
Badge of the Month - February🤔
February is a special month as we are celebrating the Lunar Year and Valentine's Day soon 😍😍. Do you feel special, do you feel amazing, how do you feel about yourself? Just complete the following sentence, "I am unique because..." Everyone that share their thoughts will receive this adorable badge created by our @Crazy Cat…
Error buying at Piggy bank
* *Edited by CM: 🤔 Oops! Please repost in English so everyone can understand - Our House Rules
Seal it with a love note 💌 - ENDED
Happy Valentine's Day everyone! Spread your love through your lovely, sweet and nice messages 💌 for your Valentine using any one (1) of the following templates. You can address it to anyone including your friends from this Community but please keep it on topic and be mindful of the House Rules. All entries will receive…
Separate the Notification Sidebar from the Pop Ups
Whenever I go to click on something on the bottom of the screen and a pop up appears I normally click on the pop up by accident. Not all of my notifications are emailed to me because I do not want to get too many emails in my inbox. Therefore, I think it would be a good idea to separate the pop ups from the notification…