Separate the Notification Sidebar from the Pop Ups
Whenever I go to click on something on the bottom of the screen and a pop up appears I normally click on the pop up by accident. Not all of my notifications are emailed to me because I do not want to get too many emails in my inbox. Therefore, I think it would be a good idea to separate the pop ups from the notification…
Hey buddies… 🤗 gives a some general knowledge answers 😇🤩🤩
we All knows that our universe have 7 plannets earth 🌏 drops 💦 a water in rainfalls and also All seven drop rains but only earth drops a 💦 and remaining 6 dropping anotgher things so which ine plannet is dropping a diamond 💎 on his surface…. 🤔
weird FONT
what is this font name? Really a bit hard to read (including notification number) even using computer! @Diamond Lim are you or anyone encountering this issue?
I'm leaving.
Hello everyone! I hope you are all happy on the First Day of February! Anyway, I am leaving this community now. But, I'll come back one day! Plus, I am also going to stop playing games for now, until I come back to the Community. Anyway, thank you so much, it's meant a great deal to us. But don't remove me from tagging…
Please help. Looking to add friends without the use of social media
📰 Community Newsletter- February Edition
Dear King Community, It's newsletter time! 📰 On the front page... Have you heard about our Pro Players? If you'd like to learn more about what a Pro Player is and how you can possibly become one, just head over HERE ! 👑 News from the different Kingdoms 🍬 Candy Crush Saga Help us create a new character that will appear in…
Can't buy boosters with 18% discount
Playing on my Android phone for the last few days I've been unable to buy boosters with 18% discount. Buying at 10% or zero percent works fine but when I tap the screen button for 18% absolutely nothing happens. I'm at level 7924. Any help would be appreciated! Regards, Nick.
Change picture
I click on 'change my picture' under my profile and it keeps just refreshing the page, it doesn't give me an option to upload a picture only choose an avatar what am I doing wrong here this site is not user friendly to me
New Lavel
i can't play lavel 189 Please Unlock now this lavel 189
Level 741
My level 741 is not being completed. Please help me out to complete it.