Just joined the community HI I'm crazy cat lady
Hello I'm new
Bridge of Destiny Math Riddle
Calling all math lovers! Some of you might have already done this so please hold off your answers so that others can try to figure it out. You can drop hints though. Four travelers on a quest must cross a fragile bridge to continue their journey. No individuals can cross the bridge without the Destiny Gem close by, which,…
Stuck on a level again!
getting fed up with being stuck on a level, takes all the fun out if it. I've been trying to pass 1511 for days now. I used all my boosters! now would be a good time for another free week of something. my favorite booster is the one that clears the cards from chains, bandages & leaves especilly when used together with the…
Havish's Magazine Creations 2 | MOTM Hall of Fame - Read now
I have made a new magazine with Member of the Month - Hall of Fame. Would you like to read it? You can click below! It is made with FlipHTML5.
Guidelines on How To Translate Given Text in your language
Hi Respected Players, Welcome To The Guide, In this Guide, we are going to see how to translate given text in your Language. If you are Visiting This Site through Computer then use Google Translate. https://translate.google.com/ In this way, You can translate any Language to any Language. This method is for all types of…
Read the King Community 3rd Anniversary Magazine!
Hello friends! Although I missed the 3rd anniversary celebration of the King Community, I wanted to use the pdf of the wishes to make a... magazine! You can read the magazine here. Thank you!
Kings & Queens
Drop the pride with a flavour What level are you at?
Can you solve Math Challenge Puzzle Games? ❓🔢
Hello there! Everyone! 👋😄 On the last month, I give my Word Search Puzzle Games Fun Discussion here. 😄 On today, I give you another puzzle game is Maths Challenge! 🔠😉 (Haha! It's my another favourite puzzle game again! 😄) Wow! I see mostly of Game Moderator (Superstars) and Community Team give Math Challenge Contests and…
I'm done.
You know what? I want to delete my account! I QUIT!!!
👒🛬Vacation vs Staycation
New year, new resolutions, new goals... Will it be a vacation OR a staycation? Start voting and share with us your plan 😁 💠New to the Community? Register HERE in just 2 seconds.💠