14 myths about New Year’s Eve that you would not believe!
1. No sweeping on New Year’s day - Some people staunchly believe that one should not do any cleaning or dusting in the house on New Year’s Eve. They say that it is an ominous act and can sweep away the good luck of the entire family. 2. Wearing new clothes - Others ensure that they wear new clothes on New Year’s Eve since…
Great game
Hi I love this game
10 ... 9 ... 8 ... 7 ... 6 ... 5 ... 4 ... 3 ... 2 ... 1...!
If you have seen the When 2020 Starts Around the World, this is a follow up to that message. I would like to repeat the first couple of sentences from that message. The Pacific island of Tonga is the first to ring in the New Year and celebrated at 5 am EST on December 31st. Auckland and Wellington New Zealand hit 12…
5 New Year Resolutions You Should Never Make - based On Science
According to behavioral science, several of these promises to yourself might be unhelpful, or even harmful, professionally and psychologically. For example, recent surveys suggest resolutions for 2021 can be grouped into at least 10, broad topic areas, including: Getting more exercise, Losing weight, Organizing one’s life,…
Where is the Jelly Queen off to? 😂😂😃👏🏽
New to the community? Register in 2 seconds! Tagging time! @Diamond Lim ! Tag active players to join in! Hmm... it looks like the Jelly Queen is going somewhere! Look at these pictures down below! The Spring Jelly Queen is going on an adventure smelling! ⬇️Just down there! These are the places she went. Wanna see the…
Rachel and Rancid share their Bachelor's and Bachelorette's party pictures with you.................
Yesterday was Rachel and Rancid's parties. They would like to share a couple of their pictures with you here. Here is Rancid with his best man, Yeti, and a couple of the ushers having a grand old time with paintballs. And here we have Rachel and her bridal party having their fortunes read. Stay tuned.......................…
Conection error
Hello i can Play in May iPad Btt, no the iPhone i can’t synchronize it appears the message “erro de conexao “
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