candy crush
i love this game that much im not giving up until i concur it im hooked 😀
How to report a bug
Hey! Just wondered how I could contact some type of customer support s Hi jus ddizzlw
Weather days
I completed weather days before time was up and when I signed in this morning it said I did not. I am so upset.. it was a good prize too.
Spam Error message
I managed to get myself into trouble after my second write...I believe I NOW know what to be blocked is like... I can't find the rules...
Can you believe
**Edit by CM: Off-topic**
**Edit by CM: SPAM- Off-topic**
No friends since I swapped device
Does anyone know why all my friends are no where to be seen and now I can't get my sent lives had loads on bubble witch and about 12 on papa lead no I've none an can only send lives to my niece and that only started today
BWS2 - How do I transfer my game on facebook over to king.com?
Bubble Witch 2 is not on the new fb pc platform? How do I transfer my levels over to the king.com account that I have just set up? Thank you
Candy crusher
I’ve finished all levels and rather than waiting for new levels each week, I’ve started completely over. Anyone else? I am not a gamer. This and words with friends completes my gaming. I tried to find something similar, but nothing caught my attention. I do love that new players get 50 gold bars early on. Free spin is also…
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(Edit by CM: Unsupported Language)