What games does everyone like
We need your help – please vote!
The waiting time is over! The story is now posted but it has no ending. You see the judges couldn’t choose the best chef. How would you like to choose the best chef in the Kingdom? All that you have to do is to read the story “The search is on for the Kingdom’s best chef”. Once you finish reading the story come back here…
Check out my level 😁
Newbie here😁
Hello everyone, my name is Lloyd Sefuka playing from Lusaka Zambia, I'm a fan of Farm Heroes Saga and I'm currently on level 1717. I need friends to share beans and lives with. Thank you
Fandom related: What are your ships?
Hey, guys! The title pretty much explains itself, don't you think? But I'll explain anyway. What are your ships? Not the ones where you go "Oh, there's a seagull." But the ones where you go "YESSSS, my ship is sailing!!" Mine are Adrinette, Marichat, Ladynoir, Lucky-Javiere, DjWifi, taurus-scorpio, Ron-Hermione. There are…
Candy Shots Saga
Here is my shot of my journey! Whats yours?
I haven't been on King.com in awhile. so this is new to me again. Alot has changed.
New Bees
Hello, You may want to add to this post. There are some kind folk who can help you also. @Diamond Lim @kiara_wael @KimElston
Hi there
new here
Royal Championship Begins Again When?
I’m a newbie, so somebody help me out. Why does the Royal Championship only show up sometimes? I know it only lasts for a certain period of hours, but when does it restart? 🧐🤨