Simplify App
This web site is a little confusing. I was wondering anyone feels the same. Newbie trying to figure it out.
انا احمد من مصر من عاشقين اللعبه جدا جدا جدا جدا
انا احمد من مصر من عاشقين اللعبه جدا جدا جدا جدا جدا ❤️❤️❤️
How I win gold bar
About game
How I get money from the game,mn
Would you rather
Hey, guys! This is like a poll version of would you rather. So, I'm going to take a question from the internet, and give the advantages and disadvantages of each option, so it gets a little harder to pick.😈The question is: If you were born in a new life, would you rather be alive in the past or the future? Take note: I…
What is your daily routine?
This is mine 7.00 wake up (maybe 8.00 if I feel lazy!) 7.05 have breakfast 7.15 play candy crush saga 7.30 Morning run 5km 9.00 Go and see my children 12.00 Have lunch with them 3.00 Afternoon run 5km again 4.30 Watch TV, or YouTube 5.00 Make dinner 5.30 eat dinner 6.00 Play candy crush saga 6.30 video call my family 8.00…
Hello guys...This game Is awesomel..Are You Love This Game,,Then Love React please
I love this game..😍
What's the best wifi name you've ever seen?
Hey, guys! I'm new here and I have no idea what I'm doing, so please work with me.😅 It's pretty self explanatory. The best Wi-Fi name I've ever seen is... wait for it... Virgin. LMAO🤣😂 I couldn't stop laughing for hours.
(EDITED by CM - Unsupported language)
(EDITED by CM - Unsupported language)