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Hello Dear Friends I would also like to present something. What have you planned for the day? Please tell me! You don't want to spend this day alone and would like to take a CM with you. Which one would it be and why? 💖 @Diamond Lim Please bring the list with you! thank you😀
New to the Community? Sign up right here in only 2 seconds! 🍭🍭🍭 Hello Candy Crushers... ( •̀ ω •́ )✧ If you didn't know, Candy Crush Tales was soft launched on December 5th, 2018 and the latest update was on January 7th 2019 and nothing happen to the game after that... The game is pretty fan and i love the concept a lot...…
Do you know that I created a story of our characters going to the beach? Do you know that I dedicated it to @QueenMia who loves the beach? What are you waiting for! It’s beach time – In the good old summertime! "If you have plans on going to the beach, don't forget to take your face mask with you," Jenny says.
[…] *Edit by CM: unsupported language. Please remember the vehicular language in this forum is English. Thank you!
Oh no! What is going on? Rancid can’t find Dimples in the boxes, but the red one has a candy bomb. Can you help Rancid, Licorice King and Candy Bird find Dimples in one of the boxes. But it’s not a contest it’s a fun freeing pets.
Help how do you remove box
Im stuck on level 3265 on pet rescue saga i have tried everything and watched the you tube video but I still can't pass the level. Has anyone else passed the level grr its driving me crazy. I need some written help suggestions . Everyone just tells me watch the you tube video ive done it at all i know that. How did you go…
Finally I have just passed 3265 yippee.
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