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Stuck on this level, posting for luck :)
Hello and welcome! The menu bar at the top of the page will help you navigate around the King Community forum. The Get Started tab has information about what the community is all about and lots of useful information. You should start there. The Games tab takes you to all the game forums where you can find help for your…
Can I get gold bars for points?
Hi, anyone knows if its possible how to add a friend in Candy Crush Saga?
What's happened to this game? Won't connect to Internet, won't connect to the store, can't connect to King account. Uninstalled the game and reinstalled it to find I'm now back at level 1 as it won't connect to Facebook its a joke nobody from customer service gets back to you, will anyone bother to even answer this message?
(Edit by CM: Unsupported Language)
Why do we have to leave a comment to start playing games on this site when there are sites that we can join to start playing games outright??????
Hello I am boref
Unable to move on to next level? What is the solution. Despite updating the apps
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