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Hello I'm going to level 6641 and I think it's a great game to take away my stress
Hi Friends I am in Lahore Pakistan But My profile showing me United Kingdom Hiw this can be change ?
Hello all, my name is Mary and I have been playing forever and don't want to stop. I even use to hide at work while reaching the next level 🤣🤣🤣 play like a champion and never give up.
Hello. Updated farm heroes sage three days ago. Unfortunately since then the game won't load. It says loading then will just stop and say game has stopped. Any ideas how to fix this ? Thanks x
(Edit by CM: Unsupported Language)
I am in level 306 and it keeps telling my to pass such level and I can get unlimited life's but I don't.
Bonjour, Je joue depuis très longtemps à vos jeux qui sont passionnants. J'ai vu dernièrement que le jeu à perdu beaucoup de joueurs,et je voudrais savoir si vous allez fermer jeux ou si c'est un fake ? Merci Cordialement
So where do I get my 30 gold for commenting five times as a newbie? I don’t see my gold thanks in advance
Strašne veľa infošiek naraz, som s toho zmetená, jevtu ešte niekto podobne na tom ako ja... Z_B_J_M SA KEĎ SOM KRÁSNA...
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