Level 2
Very pleased to join
Returning Player
Hello, haven't been on this game site in over a year. Looking forward to claiming all my colorful jewels back.
Gold Bars
Can anyone give me options on the best way to use our gold bars?
Lost bars
Yesterday I had 46 gold bars, I went on there 2day an they r gone, how do I get them back???
New member
Hi everyone!! I'm new to the community. Do y'all have any tips for me?
Old Player new to group
Hi. I'm Sandie. I've been playing for a long time and just recently discovered this group. Hopefully it will help me with the harder levels in seeing over the last couple of weeks!
It says '5200 hours to next booster'
Hello, When I finish my game and could not be successful, it says '5200+ hours to next free booster' Seriously? How can I fix this? I've tried changing the time and year and it still says that. Please help!
Do you know some of the links located in this community?
Do you know that we have a lot of talented and caring members of our community who love to share their knowledge. They share tips and helpful videos for your games. Check out their messages below! This message is going to be for links in this community. If you want to share some trivia then follow the link HERE.
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(Edit by CM: Unsupported Language)