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Games and with Functions



  • Spinnifix
    Spinnifix Posts: 25,429
    always something new


    It didn't take it. Please try again! thank you

  • teresawallace44
    teresawallace44 Posts: 4,436
    always something new

    Thanks for tagging me @Lim

    Hi @Spinnifix,

    I voted for something new because I love new things in the game. It makes the game more interesting.


    Teresa 🦋🌺🦋

  • yukibear
    yukibear Posts: 119
    always something new


  • jjac272903
    jjac272903 Posts: 1,083

    @Spinnifix, I'm going to be frank. Im an avid player (myself among millions of players) in the Royal Championship. Myself as well as my Jelly Family in the RC community have been asking for change for a long, long time now. Will taking this poll really do any good? I mean no disrepect but no-one is listening to us on our community page, on app reviews, in the ideas section (which I'm starting to believe is not what the studio is reading, only CMs) It is happening on Jelly and Soda Crush events bubblegum Hill and the royal championship. Myself and other loyal King players, that have been playing King games since the start, have been like a broken record at this point. There are a lot of friends from the the RC page that have all together stopped playing the Royal Championship and Jelly Crush and some are even boycotting King period. We should have the choice, as players, to get back what the studio first gave us after changing EVERYTHING, then took away and are now getting it in the form of a "reward." We spend a lot of money on King's game. This is getting out of hand and no one will communicate with us. This has been going on since late January, early February. We are crying out for help here and no one is updating us in the RC community at all. Also I have said before, in an RC thread that was conveniently deleted right before changes took place for the worst, that i would like to speak with a game developer and/or game designer. My post was laughable to some. No one in our group or pages are laughing anymore. I'd like to thank the genius person or team who built this game that has so much potential. However, now we are only laughing at how pathetic such a brilliant game has gone from everyone's dream, relaxing time, and real competition (not being an opponent of a computer tester), to a complete disaster. Im asking you, @Spinnifix, or begging at this point, to get this post to the studio. Why is it impossible for someone from the game designing or developing team, whoever it is from King that has made these changes over the last few months to chat with us. I get that its below their pay grade, they are busy with the job that they are assigned to and dont want to take the time to write to us on our page, but if someone from the team who made the RC and the team that changed the RC could speak to a group of main players in our thread, that team would hear straight from our mouths what we feel needs to change and we feel cheated as well as were tired of relying on people that don't give us any news or updates. I, as well as many other players on our RC pages as well as around the world (because people all over the world are now popping up as newbies commenting that they feel the game is rigged) will feel disappointed and feel like our voices dont matter to King. We spend money to play the game, some dont, but players are what have made King so successful. Will King listen now? When will our voices be heard. We're tired of hearing the same thing. I will report my issues and proof of this company if things do not change. Most of all the user complaints not being addressed but, there is more than that going on. I'd appreciate if you could pass this on.

  • MountainMom
    MountainMom Posts: 14,410
    always something new

    Got my vote counted this time -- thanks for the heads-up, @Spinnifix.

  • aijaziqbal
    aijaziqbal Posts: 8,884
    always something new

    Thanks for the tag @Lim .

    Games for me is to enhance mental capability. And u need new adventures to keep the interest level high. So i will go for the new things.

    But meanwhile i would also like to say in each game there are some elements which are the core or u can say which represents that particular game and they must not be changed. A good balance is required while maintaining the standard of the game.

    Thanks dear.

  • wykoon
    wykoon Posts: 12,717
    always something new

    @Chicken_Slayer I agree, though I like new features in the game, but hope it will be and added value rather than cosmetic reason.

  • sameeksha
    sameeksha Posts: 4,422
    always something new

    thx for the tag lim

    i always want new things in the game which can keep the game much more interesting and playable!

  • Suzuka
    Suzuka Posts: 36

    Level 3

    always something new

    I hope king continues to update the games although there has been nothing new in the updates for a long time.

  • Diamond_Lim
    Diamond_Lim Posts: 170,814
    always something new

    Welcome to Sweet King Community! 👑

    Sorry for your reply because this feature is still testing by Community Team and always no released day by day. These features will released randomly on this game! 😊

    If you have any questions on this game, you can click here to ask a question about this game on Candy Crush Soda Support Community that they will help you faster. 😊

    Have a nice and safety day! 😊

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