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Approximately 15% of the world’s population have a disability



  • Leslie_B
    Leslie_B Posts: 387

    @wykoon Thanks so much❣❣❣❣

  • _Elsa_
    _Elsa_ Posts: 37,552

    Hey guys, I really and truly appreciate all of you for posting in this thread. If anyone would be interested in joining a project about how to improve the games with these disabilities, PLEASE talk to me. A lot have said they were interested but must have changed their mind because once I gave them the email address to write to, no one wrote. If we want to get this project off the ground then we need players to join. Please write back here if any of you are interested in this and I can forward the email address to you.

  • ScooterChic
    ScooterChic Posts: 2

    Level 1

    Amazing info and so good to see this information! Thank you for posting! I am a multiple times and multiple cancer warrior that suffers with full body neuropathy, visual challenges, lack of feel sensation in my extremeties due to chemo/meds/several surgeries amongother issues like mobility, chronic pain/fatigue along with motion sickness during most RPG's. I am loving my King 👑 games to help pass the time at doctor appts or on challenging days when bed/couch ridden! There are many of us out here that are "Life Warriors, a very Elite group of people full of Diversity & Strength that far out weighs any other labels or individual/Physical/Mental/Social(just to name a few) Life Challenges!( I always disliked and found the the label "disabled" I'll fitting...for I am not disabled...I just live my life on different terms now from Normies!) So here is a Hip Hip Hooray for all of you out there that journey through life a half step/roll to the right of the rest of the world! Let the "Normies"(non-challenged people) of the world continue to drudge on down their mundane paths and let those of us that are Life Warriors travel to a more creative, alternate & awarding beat as we journey down life's road!

  • _Elsa_
    _Elsa_ Posts: 37,552

    Hi @ScooterChic thank you sooooooooooooo very much for posting your message. And I think that is why we need to get the word out there to find a better way for everyone to enjoy the game. I am going to tag @TheFishsta to read your message. I think you might be very helpful with this project. I knew that we had to reach more than just visual issues! I really and truly appreciate the time that you spent in typing all of that here!

  • Ninatjie
    Ninatjie Posts: 23

    Level 3

    This is amazing. I learned something new today. ⚘

  • hechicerilla
    hechicerilla Posts: 10,374

    Very interesting @Elsa , thanks for all this information

  • hechicerilla
    hechicerilla Posts: 10,374

    Thanks to all of you who have spoken here about your privacy. They are very very emotional stories, and they all have one thing in common: the desire to excel! Bravo for all of you champions !!


    @ScooterChic @Black314

    @Leslie_B @Diamond Lim @ShannaSkywolf @firebombmarkus @Snardly @wykoon

  • I did not know 15% of the population had a disability. I hope they are all safe in the world

  • aijaziqbal
    aijaziqbal Posts: 8,884

    Hi everyone .

    Thanks for the tag @CandyCrushIsCool ,

    Such a nice topic @Elsa.

    I should admit what an amazing people you are @Diamond Lim @firebombmarkus @Leslie_B .and others who are true fighters.

    I am not having any major disability but i would request king to help us here in grapgics as it is having direct impact on the eyes. So as the age grows and eyesight becomes an issue it will be very nice on part of king to take care of such color schemes and graphics which have no adverse effect on eyes.

    Thank you guys and take care. You are the true champs.

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