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  • Yosca
    Yosca Posts: 17,879

    Hi @Miss_Dani I said it in our corner too: you can call me naïve, but I haven’t seen those multiple accounts players. I'm usually only active in the Soda Community and I guess I just don’t see it 🤷‍♀️. My goal is to help others and I don't pay attention to points at all. Again, I must be naïve then, I don’t even know who you're talking about..... You are talking about GM’s and players... Maybe it is because I am focused on Soda? Anyway when I came to this Community, 2 years ago it was for help and I stayed because I liked it. I also have a life so for me it means I am not day and night in the Community (and I don’t judge others, every person can do what he/she wants, I am talking about myself!) maybe that’s why I don’t see it. I’ll pay attention if I know about multiple accounts though.

  • Freddy_
    Freddy_ Posts: 68,477

    For Me i think @Nix66 5 D's say it all. I am totally demoralized with this and need to put and end to this for my sanity. Issues been around for a long time and really if there are house rules they should be abided by and also enforced when the proof is there, not a hard process.

    I can not look at this, as so be it any more and let them get on with it, which i have done for a long time. I currently look and think why am i trying so hard in the community and watch others abuse the system. I am not like most of you here going i only do it for this and i do not care about points, How many would say they do not care about the title or the monthly gold bars we get for helping. I gave this up and did not need it for me more about my targets and enjoying the community like i did before i was offered GE. So for me its my free time doing it for free and doing it as i enjoyed it and the people here. That has been taken away due to the issues and i am not just talking people with multiple accounts. I think the ones that are in roles no longer do this although i know 1 has done something very suspicious in the last couple of months and i did notify a SU at time of this, was also something somebody had mentioned in the GE area a while back.

    I do not like to accuse people of anything either for me but not hard to look at the community forums and see things that are unexplainable. Like nearly two pages were every question has an accepted answer. This just does not happen and i know certain GM can accept / un-accept answers glitch or no glitch i know i had it also and did report it at once. This is demoralising to think i try hard to answer the best i possibly can to get accepted answers give the right information yet i know you are lucky to get 3 or 4 from probably 20 questions. In all my time on here and i have been in all forums as you all know this just does not happen or if someone can explain this to me i would love to know.

    So to all those i agree it needs putting to bed once and for all but thats out of our hands and we cannot do what is or should be necessary

    What i have found nice from all this is the people without roles who have come here and put there views down and i would like to thank all of them as it is them that make the community what it is. only wish i could name them all but they will know who they are

  • lilyoffice
    lilyoffice Posts: 20

    Level 3


  • aijaziqbal
    aijaziqbal Posts: 8,884

    Hi @Miss_Dani .

    Thanks for the tag. And i can understand how you feel after leaving so many friends. Breee and trish24 was also very good friend of mine. And when freddy left the GM position i felt very bad about it. But i am keeping myself out of all this mess as i know one thing that the right way is long and tough and the people with short cuts and wrong doings will fall away in the longer run. During last year i have seen many people come and go but most of good people are still here so in my opinion we should not give them too much importance and focus on what is good for community.

    Hopefully the bad phase will fade away quickly.😇

  • lilyoffice
    lilyoffice Posts: 20

    Level 3


  • quote:


    Start reading, kiddo; then maybe you'll get it...

  • rebelchild
    rebelchild Posts: 17,781

    Hi @lilyoffice welcome to the community. Your profile says you are 12. I believe you need to be 13 to join the community.

  • Yosca
    Yosca Posts: 17,879

    4 missing -> including me. I have paid no attention to this at all, as I said before, I do not care about points. Not so nice to read this...😥

  • Spinnifix
    Spinnifix Posts: 25,429

    I just want to say something. This is not about me, it is about fraud. What I have written should only be for comparison. I'm not a cheater and I'll never cheat, I'm just too honest about that.

    I think it's understandable.

  • gr33n3y3z
    gr33n3y3z Posts: 9,493
    edited March 2021

    I've been pretty quiet in this thread,

    I'm mostly just lurking and reading these post. What I can say is I'm well aware of these trolls aka multiple accounts, I made a thread in the GE corner a bit ago regarding this issue. Like many have said this is ridiculous, this isn't in our hands anymore it's up to to CMS now.

    I think we should have a petition lol I'm serious 😉, literally I will make a thread called ' ban the multiple accounts and the main accounts' maybe make it a poll😅Maybe if we get enough votes the CMs will take us serious🤪.

    Yesterday I was in an off mood and posted this song on my wall, I think it's suited for everyone here🤗

    One more thing everyone please have a great day/ evening. And don't let these trolls get the BEST of you 🤗

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