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☀️ Introducing the Accessibility Heroes: help us make the games better!



  • rebelchild
    rebelchild Posts: 17,703

    Hi all! I use Candy Crush Saga as a learning tool for some of the kids I watch. It's not about winning any level as much as matching and learning colors and shapes and counting. Some of the kids have learning disabilities and are affected by too much sensory overload. I can turn off the sounds but I can't turn off the flashing effects or the exploding effects. I know there are many people who also have issues similar to these. It would be helpful to be able to turn off the special effects in the same way you turn off the sound.

  • W35Gamer
    W35Gamer Posts: 1,377

    Hey, thanks for the tag!

    I really like that idea, hopefully in the future when they get the most major issues sorted out, it would be really cool to have a feature like these ones.

  • kiara_wael
    kiara_wael Posts: 158,542

    Thank you @Lola_Pop , @TheFishsta and Welcome @Brian75 , I love Pets and Candy game and always ready to help players in the Community 😘

  • rajdeeptb
    rajdeeptb Posts: 4,325
    edited May 2021

    Hello Dear @Lola_Pop

    I'm Giving My feedback Every Time When Any Event, New Features Come To Game.

    Also I have Shared My Ideas In Two games Which I'M Playing Mostly.

    Oh, before I forget: all Accessibility Heroes will be awarded our exclusive Accessibility Hero badge!.

    Oh there Are Badge Too. That's Nice. I like Badges In My Profile 😁😁

  • Spinnifix
    Spinnifix Posts: 25,429

    Good Morning!

    The search option just went through my mind. In every saga, this is a big topic and it has been over a year since the ideas were opened. Some of them already amount to over 500 votes. It really should be implemented! Candy Crusuh is a tough saga and a lot is rejected. I don't know if the studio determines it that way. I could imagine that the studios don't know everything. For the search option the simple PC version in Candy Soda was nice. On the right side you had the portal sign and could click on it and you have all your episodes at a glance. You could then click on the episode and you were there. Now the map has been changed and you have to scroll. Not for the best of the player and the handiness to get to an old level. That could come back in. You could do that in any saga. Or as it is in Farm Heros extra input. But first you have to scroll down something so that it is displayed, that you can then enter it. Since Candy Soda’s old menu is much better.

    Nice weekend

    German Version

    Guten Morgen! Mir ging die Suchoption gerde durch den Kopf. In jeder Saga dist dieses ein großes Thema und es über ein Jahr her das die Ideen geöffnet wurden. Sie betragen schon zum Teil über 500 Stimmen. Es sollte wirklich mal umgesetzt werden! Candy Crusuh ist eine knallharte Saga und sehr vieles wird abgelehnt. Ich weis nicht, ob es das studio es so bestimmt. Ich könnte mir vorstellen, das die Studios nicht alles wissen. Zur Suchoption die einfache PC Version in Candy Soda war schön. In der rechten Seite hattest du das Portalzeichen gehabt und konntest darauf klicken und du hast deine ganzen Episoden auf einen Blick. Du konntest dann die Episode anklicken und warst dort. Nun wurde die Karte geändert und mußst scrollen. Nicht zum besten der Spieler und die Handlichkeit um an ein altes Level zu kommen. Das könnte wieder rein kommen. Das könnte man auch in jeder Saga so machen. Oder wie es in Farm Heros ist extra eingeben. Aber da mußt du erst estwas runter crollen um das es angezeigt wird, das man es dann eingeben kann. Da ist das von Candy Soda die alte Karte viel besser. Schönes Wochenende 

  • carmenechevarria
    carmenechevarria Posts: 2,318

    These lollipop swirls gave me a headache. As the swirls starts to go at the end flickering light explodes the board. My eye😎😎😎

  • Spinnifix
    Spinnifix Posts: 25,429

    Hello and thanks for explaining it.

    Yes, I agree and it could be very difficult for those with eye problems.

  • Spinnifix
    Spinnifix Posts: 25,429


    You know that I am there for the players and that they support me in my job a lot. I checked the games once. It would be better if you could put it everywhere in the banner. Because that's important! Unfortunately I can't do it, otherwise I would do it right away !!!



  • Spinnifix
    Spinnifix Posts: 25,429
    edited May 2021
    Hello Everyone!!!

    I am thinking about these people with all sorts of difficulties. It's not that easy to create. Some see badly and others need certain effects to recognize something. It is really not easy to implement. I know that you can't do it 100% right. Some things have to be accepted.
    But post everything here and see what can be done!🤗
  • hechicerilla
    hechicerilla Posts: 10,374

    Very kind @Lola_Pop , thank you.

    I totally agree with what @MightyWolf lf has explained about COTR. We've been waiting for that game for so long ... the long-awaited launch day finally arrived and oh! disappointment came. I only played about 15 minutes, I don't see the map, I don't see the messages, I don't see the objectives. I did not complain, as I have said before, I assumed that the vision problems are mine, not from the game, but there you read everything that is talked about here, I think there is hope, I think that certain things can be improved for people with problems . It's cool, it never would have occurred to me. I usually accept things as they are 😂😂😂.

    I would love to join this project, I know that I can collaborate with my experiences in games.

    Thanks @TheFishsta

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