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☀️ Introducing the Accessibility Heroes: help us make the games better!



  • Spinnifix
    Spinnifix Posts: 25,429


    There's something else in it upstairs. I do not find it okay that other people enter their ideas and help and are not taken into account. Then I also change some things. It's OK.

  • Taupe5319
    Taupe5319 Posts: 4

    Level 1

    I am new joiner I would love to play with you all sending live and reaching the sky

  • Diamond_Lim
    Diamond_Lim Posts: 171,005

    Welcome to Sweet King Community! 👑

    Don't worry! You can click here to read my answer to follow these steps of add more friends that I hope you can send and receive lives with friends on any King's Game. 😊

    In the absence of our Community Hub Game Moderators @Elsa and @wykoon, we would like to help you navigate around this Community. Thus, please check out this guide as it will help you find your way around. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask. 

    Tag one of the Game Moderators by using the @ symbol and then type out our name. You will see a box pop up so click on the correct name and your tag should now be showing up in bold or simply click on the "Quote" function right below our message box so we get your notification.

    Have a nice and safety day! 😊

  • Spinnifix
    Spinnifix Posts: 25,429


    I have to get rid of something because this has been going through my head for days. I read and understood it differently than what Elsa said to me now. I do not agree with such an action. There are many players who have something to say about it and were therefore able to help. Unfortunately only a small part was rewarded. 1. who can speak English and 2. who like to show themselves. Only that has nothing to do with submitting the problems. It was sorted out and I don't like that. There are a lot of players here who have to translate and took part and not everyone likes to show up. One should take this into account. It was about submitting difficulties for the games. Unfortunately, it was only reduced to the English language and the visual. It's not fair. Everyone should be treated equally. Hence my suggestion. That all give their comments in writing and the useful comments are compensated for it, or nobody gets anything and you help voluntarily for normal human help. When I read that from Elsa, I was very upset. That is just not possible. Unfortunately, the community is becoming more and more divided. There are the - English speakers - and the translators. There are the - free players and - the money players. In the end we are no longer a community. I don't like that at all. I am always for fairness. I wanted to and still had to communicate that. If I should be banned now, so be it.

    German Version

    Hallo! Ich muß etwas loswerden, denn das geht mir seit Tagen durch den Kopf. Ich habe es anders gelesen und verstanden, als das was mir nun Elsa sagte. Mit so einer Aktion bin ich nicht einverstanden. Es sind viele Spieler die etwas dazu zu sagen haben und konnten somit weiterhelfen. Leider wurde nur ein kleiner Teil belohnt. 1. die englisch können und 2. die sich gerne zeigen. Nur das hat mit dem Einreichen der Probleme nichts zutun. Es wurde aussortiert und das gefällt mir nicht. Es gibt viele Spieler hier die übersetzen müssen und nahmen daran teil und nicht jeder zeigt sich gerne. Dieses sollte man berücksichtigen. Es ging darum, das man Schwierigkeiten für die Spiele einreicht. Leider wurde es nur auf die englische Sprache und das Visuelle reduziert. Es ist unfair. Jeder sollte gleich behandelt werden. Deshalb mein Vorschlag. Das alle ihre Kommentare schriftlich abgeben und die nützlichen Kommentare werden auch dafür entschädigt, oder keiner Bekommt etwas und man hilft freiwillig für eine ganz normale menschliche Hilfe. Als ich das von Elsa las, war ich sehr verägert. So etwas geht einfach nicht. Leider, wird immer mehr die Community gespalten. Es gibt die - englisch Sprachigen - und die Übersetzenden. Es gibt die - Gratisspieler und - die Geldspieler. Zum Schluß sind wir keine Gemeinschaft mehr. Soetwas gefällt mir überhaupt nicht. Ich bin immer für Fairnis. Das wollte und mußte ich noch mitteilen. Falls ich nun gesperrt werden sollte, dann ist es so. 

  • NamTruong2001
    NamTruong2001 Posts: 4,410

    Make the game better? So where is our LEADERBOARD in Blossom Blast Saga until now?

  • Hey I want to help I have a problem seeing and use  accessibility  for vision in these games:

    Candy Crush Saga, Farm Heroes, Farm Heroes Saga, Crash OTR, Candy Crush Jelly, Candy Crush Soda, Candy Crush Friends, Bubble Witch 3, Farm Heroes Super Saga, and Diamond Diaries!

  • BiscuitTheDog1008
    BiscuitTheDog1008 Posts: 18

    Level 2

    edited May 2021

    So my grandmother (who has trouble seeing) often can't read the words on Candy Crush Friends, Farm Heroes Super OR Pet Rescue (which are the only King games she plays as of current) and when I'm there, I have to read it TO her, sometimes during tutorials attempting to do the on-screen character's voice. She has the Samsung Talkback enabled on her phone, and we would definitely like sort of a voice guide mode that you can enable in the settings.

  • gracei
    gracei Posts: 14

    Level 2

    Hi everyone

    Am having trouble logging my email with my account...the email has been logged in since until last week I discovered it’s signed out and each time I keep trying to log in it say(there’s was a connection error please try again in a bit). And I can’t uninstall it cause have not saved my recent progress.

  • Spinnifix
    Spinnifix Posts: 25,429

    Hello and welcome

    If you want to log in, please go to Forgot Password. This will be sent to your email address and then you can change your email address and your password again and you have to confirm it.

    Good luck

    You only have to post that in the support area, as it is a different topic here.

  • _Elsa_
    _Elsa_ Posts: 37,543

    I am going to tag @TheFishsta to come back here to read the comments from @lilmamachrislong34 and @BiscuitTheDog1008.

    @lilmamachrislong34 can you offer a bit more about your visibility issue with the games? It might be different than what we reported in the virtual meeting.

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?