Please vote for your favorite picture!

One day as Elsa is walking through the Player's Corner she bumps into Olivia and @Lola_Pop who are chatting about the new Art Nook: King Fanart! Elsa comes up with an idea to have Olivia start some art classes. Olivia takes Elsa up on that offer and that's how the new story begins ...... Olivia teaches her friends how to paint. Much to their surprise Elsa and Lola_Pop love what they all created. But here is the problem. We need you to vote for your favorite picture by choosing one of the names listed below.
The characters were asked to paint a picture of someone who they love or something that they love and here are the results.
Now it's time for you to decide which is your favorite.
Please vote for your favorite picture! 72 votes
@Diamond Lim can you please tag each gaming community list? Thanks!
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Red Rabbit loves this cute rabbit who he met when they were both chewing on some carrots
I love plush toys and they are much easier to care for and calm. Well, Marina, who is better of the two of us?😉🤣
I have such a rabbit there- Schnuffel
I also have the CD.
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Yeti loves his chocolate - need I say more!
Great poll @Elsa
I have to go with yeti as I am a fellow chocolate lover 💓
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Yeti loves his chocolate - need I say more!
I voted for the chocolate! I have a thing for chocolate people so 🤷♀️
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Jelly Queen loves her jelly but really loves herself more
'she loves herself'
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Red Rabbit loves this cute rabbit who he met when they were both chewing on some carrots
Red Rabbit 😍
The little rabbit looks too cute.😍💕😄
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Chewy loves his father and is so happy that he found him again
Got to love the" pink slug with the fart bubbles "lol
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Yeti loves his chocolate - need I say more!
Lets tag BW3 players to come join the fun 💓
@1191970815 , @12tHstreet , @13monster , @21FurandFeatherPets , @2damthicc , @2muksu , @5878896038 , @9308230112086ML , @aajjtls , @aautz1 , @AbiB , @AdamLeOldSport , @Adamsd1783 , @Adeboye , @adrinamadatyan , @afresh30 , @Aidinpm64 , @aijaziqbal , @ajauld , @alacey , @Alami14121412fahad , @alanc12345 , @AleB , @phi1ar , @aley319 , @Aliceanne_74 , @alleydoodle , @alotacrazy , @Altyrone7088 , @alwalter619 , @Amara1234 , @Ambtom , @Amy1284 , @Anahita_2005 , @Andie79 , @Angel_Eyes , @Angeleyes67 ,@Angy1969 , @anko_hh ,@ANNEKE-4 , @Annemieke54 , @annie165 , @april_bby23 , @Ardnasak , @arian90 @Ariane7950 , @ariel2021 , @ArriettyM , @Ashraf , @astong , @Athena , @athena520 , @AuroraTheGoddess , @Avideh324 , @aweeks6969 , @ballcapghost , @barbmb , @barbscamaro , @Bathymaas ,@Beamy ,@bella1202 , @benswifey08 , @berns188 ,@berrybest1 , @Bershie1 , @bethanikrista , @betternetter , @Beverly825 , @Bevette , @bintz18 , @Blky2k , @BlueEyedBubble3 , @boojum99 , @Bookster , @bpretty55 , @bratts1234 , @Brenda84 , @BrendaY12 , @BrezBre85 , @bri_marie , @bridgetmassey , @Brownbug , @bryteyes44 , @BubbleGumSoda ,@BubblificHeaven , @BULLDOG76 ,@bumblebee3 , @Bunnieofthemoon , @butterfly79 , @Buttersup ,@cabbiecomm ,@Cadams ,@candycrushinit, @Cangho ,@CapetownZA ,@CappyKC , @CarliA ,@carmenechevarria , @casey7 , @caseyfazel , @casperunicorn69 , @Cassy2012 , @CassD , @Cathy1966 , @cece11282003 , @CerbeRus777 , @chancleta , @charal ,@Chayo19 , @Chele88 , @Chell0430 , @cherie1220 , @chimecinder , @Chms2000 , @chris60 . @chrismccracken68 , @chrystal7 , @Cimplime , @cindyballard @cindylouwitchypooh , @Cindyterry , @cinte , @CLKUHNS , @cmt , @cnichols52 , @Cobear3 , @colina , @Connerml , @conny_c , @CorkCork , @corndragon , @Countrygirl393 , @crabapple , @crazylagringa14 ,@Cricket70 , @crystalbarker88 , @crysterry , @Cstoney78 , @cte32787 , @ctemae , @cvb1959 , @cyprusgal , @dakotagurl98 , @dana13dg , @danandmonicat , @DangerRanger , @daniEmmons77 , @DaniMiller77 , @DansBooBurr , @darknessangel40 , @daughterofanarchy , @davahotmail , @DeannaKgoswick ,@Debbie6364 ,@DebbieC89 , @debbievelie , @Debra_Akins @deckarda2 , @della803 , @dene ,@Deniseld , @devinboyd , @Diane_Calderbank , @Die_Ober_Hexe , @DieOmimi , @djbollo , @DJGHOST82 ,@donewthu2020 , @donna215 , @Donnaj123 , @Doodiebunk , @Doogie , @dranby , @DrGma_Stanley , @drvexaminer , @dtami , @DU123 , @Dusty , @edowens67 , @Eismieze , @Ejg21578 , @elianaramirez , @Elohelay , @eltigreataca ,@eman_mirza , @emerrpymail , @Emilie_Hook , @emily_kiko , @eppslisa617 , @eri19 , @erinleigh2020 , @Eva2810 , @Evarod9 , @eveholman ,@eyore2003 , @Faidz0452 , @farapafa , @farmer_giles ,@fattslim60 ,@feefee45 , @FeliciaVezina1 , @fernando6 , @fineanddandy , @Fonda_Smith , @freckled_shoulders , @Frecko , @FreddieB7 , @Freddy_ , @Freja1 , @frejon , @frerub , @frogie ,