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😮 October 9th - Face Your Fear Day 😯

(Face Your Fears Day)

The Face Your Fears Day was introduced in 1999 by life coach Steve Hughes and takes place on the 2nd Tuesday in October. This day of action is intended to encourage people to face their fears and overcome them.

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 Face Your Fears Day 2021
October 12, 2021 in the world

 October 12, 2021 is the day when you should consciously face your fears: the Face Your Fears, or on German also "Face your fears day". This day of action was introduced in 1999 by life coach Steve Hughes. The day is intended to celebrate in particular those who have already faced and overcome their fears - and, for example, have flown in by plane despite fear of flying.

 Fear is a feeling that manifests itself in situations perceived as threatening as concern and unpleasure-oriented arousal. An anxiety disorder also refers to a mental disorder in which a non-specific fear or the concrete fear of an object or a situation is in the foreground. In the latter case, one also speaks of a phobia. Panic disorder, in which fears lead to panic attacks, is also an anxiety disorder. What all anxiety disorders have in common is that those affected have excessively strong fears of things that people without anxiety disorder can feel no or to a much lesser extent fear or anxiety about. In doing so, the affected persons may temporarily recognize that their fear is excessive or unfounded. This text was taken from

 Anxiety disorders are often found in practice. According to a study by the WHO, about 8.5% of patients in German general practitioners suffer from generalized anxiety disorder and 2.5% from panic disorder. Women are about twice as likely to get sick as men. People with panic disorders also suffer from agoraphobia in half of the cases. Nearly 20% of patients who presented themselves in a general hospital in the U.S. suffered from an anxiety disorder. This text was taken from

For the treatment of anxiety disorders and phobias, various treatment methods are used in medicine, such as relaxation procedures. In the relaxation procedures, one considers fears of the fact that these are usually accompanied by physical symptoms, especially by tension. These, in turn, have a negative effect on anxiety symptoms and physical symptoms and can intensify or maintain them. Therefore, an important approach in anxiety therapy is the elimination of tension through relaxation procedures, e.B. via autogenic training. Furthermore, psychoanalytic and depth psychological treatment methods can also be used for the treatment of fears. Medication is also used to treat anxiety symptoms. (With material from: Wikipedia) This text was taken from

Everyone has fears. Some are afraid of heights, others shy away from crowds and still others struggle with small crawling animals. But if the fear becomes so great that it determines everyday life and negatively affects other areas of life, then one speaks of an anxiety disorder or a phobia. In order to get these under control, it usually requires an intensive occupation with this fear or a therapy.


No matter what the fear teaches you in life, the action day "Face your fears" initiated by the renowned life coach Steve Hughes has the purpose of dealing with these fears for a day. The day of action has been held annually since 1999 on 8 October.

What is this day about?

Fears have a huge impact on every person's life. Some fears are widespread, others rather unusual. According to estimates, up to 10 percent of the German population suffers from excessively strong fears, i.e. phobias. Phobias can be so massively pronounced that those affected socially further and further differentiate themselves and, depending on the type of phobia, no longer leave the house. Even if some phobias, such as the fear of balloons, of clowns or of certain colors seem funny at first glance, they are not at all for the people who suffer from them.

The Face Your Fears Day should draw attention to the multitude of different phobias and fears and at the same time encourage those affected to talk about their fear and to oppose it. Because once the first hurdle of silence has been broken, it is immediately easier for many to deal with their own fears.

How can this day of action be celebrated?

On this day, just sit down with friends and talk about what scares you. Maybe you can also think of one or the other action how you can face your own fears with courage and energy. Together with others, you are much stronger than you think.

Please share with me your fears and how you got rid of them, or you are still working on them and how do you solve it?



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