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Interesting Facts About Sleep… Bet You Didn’t Know Most Of Them



  • Anahita_2005
    Anahita_2005 Posts: 19,037

    Hi @Elsa! Thanks for sharing those facts! It was indeed an interesting read! I personally like reading these as I've experienced some behaviors with myself.

    'Fear' is said not to be the main emotion during nightmares. Rather, researchers found that it's more often feelings of sadness, confusion and guilt. They said these are the nightmares more likely to stick with a person after they wake up..

  • _Elsa_
    _Elsa_ Posts: 37,543

    Hey @me6412 being one of the older generation (I know you weren't talking about me but I can talk about age), they do say that we don't require as much sleep. From my experience about my sleep patterns I can tell you this one thing. When I don't get enough sleep during the night I do tend to take day time naps but they are not 15 - 30 minutes. Let's try an hour to 1 1/2 hrs. 😅

    From my psychology education I can tell you that you can't always rely on research because everyone out there wants to make a name for him/herself so they do these tests. I published a study once and in class we were always taught to critique those studies and question them. So that is ingrained in my head. Watching in a study is different than asking questions where they give you an answer. Even then it's not always accurate because they might be feeling one way when they answer but a couple of hours later they might have given a different answer. Now that's my psychology lesson for today! 😁

    As far as needing less sleep because I am older maybe I haven't gotten to that magic old age yet because my body still requires the 7 hours like it did when I was younger. It's just sometimes broken up sleep, therefore, the day time nap.

    Thanks for writing all of that. It is very interesting that different ages have different sleep patterns.

  • _Elsa_
    _Elsa_ Posts: 37,543

    That is very interesting information @Anahita_2005! I am going to try to remember this the next time I have a weird dream to find out what feelings were involved. Very, very interesting!

  • me6412
    me6412 Posts: 9,639
    edited January 2022

    @Elsa I deleted this message as it was too personal for me....Thanks for the tag @Diamond Lim

  • _Elsa_
    _Elsa_ Posts: 37,543

    Wow @Colleen12 that is very interesting. I am loving this thread more than you guys! I'm learning so much from all of you. So from what you read the person having this might have some spiritualism in him/her but instead of the good spirits coming it's the bad ones instead. Wow!

  • _Elsa_
    _Elsa_ Posts: 37,543
    edited January 2022

    Thanks guys!

  • Munster
    Munster Posts: 609

    Research shows that in the days leading up to a full moon, people go to bed later and sleep less, although the reasons are unclear.  

  • Peanut7139
    Peanut7139 Posts: 1,732

    I needed this Elsa, I'm having so many issue trying to get a good night sleep.

  • On sleep.

  • cmann
    cmann Posts: 18

    Level 2

    Sleep is a very restless thought

    if you want it you can’t get it

    if you don’t want it it’s always there

    good night sleep 💤

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