⭐️ The Community has a brand new look
Buenas noches amigos de candy Crush ya superé el nivel 10.000 y aún no he recibido mi insignia correspondiente a dicho nivel aún me sigue apareciendo la insignia del nivel 9.000 en este caso como haría para que se visualice mi insignia correspondiente a los niveles 10.000 espero se su pronta respuesta y colaboración gracias
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I love it!!!😁
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Estoy arta de las transas compré un paquete incluía 10 lingotes de oro, no me los dieron, la semana pasada gane la competencia semanal y no me dieron nada hoy gane de nuevo la competencia semanal y tampoco me dieron los premios son muy rateros
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am totally addicted to this game. I absolutely love the pets!!!!
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Hello there! New Bee Players! 👋
Welcome to Sweet King Community! 👑
Oops! This thread is ONLY ⭐️ The Community has a brand new look! Learn what's changed and give us feedback on the new layout HERE! And we can only use English Language that we can understand and help you on King Community. Don't worry! You make sure use Google Translate to translate English Language who have used another language and repost your comments with using English Language on next time. You can also read the House Rules here as it's very important to be read about King Community! Thank you for your understanding! 😊
Select the game area here then check and find more discussions, supports, contests, ideas and more! 😉
You can also check more King Community Topics such as Learn more guides around King Community and etc on my below signature (click on spoiler warming button) here. 👇
Have a nice and safety day! ❤️😊
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It looks better.
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Hello there and Welcome to Sweet King Community! 👋😊
Sweet! Thank you for your answering your feedback. 👍😊
You can also read the House Rules here first as it's very important to be read about King Community! Thank you for your understanding! 🙏
Anyway, Which King's game are you love playing? 😊
You can also check more King Community Topics such as Learn more guides around King Community and etc on my below signature (click on spoiler warming button) here. 👇
Have a nice and safety day! ❤️😊
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Hi Boyninary. All valid points. My thoughts exactly.
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Hi friend. I get that too. I didn't even notice about the emails notifications. Because, I just consèrtrate on the tag 's . Sometimes I can open them and, sometimes I can't. Yesterday I couldn't log in. So, I had yo create a new password. Which is annoying too Because, it just kept saying password is too weak. 😡😡.hope you get well soon.🥰💐💐
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The UI looks fabulous!!