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Badge of the month - September 2023πŸ‚πŸ(ENDED)



  • Diamond_Lim
    Diamond_Lim Posts: 170,758

    Wow! Sweet! Thank you for your answering your Fall/Autumn plans on Badge of the Month : September 2023 now! Everyone! πŸ‚πŸπŸ˜„

  • Diamond_Lim
    Diamond_Lim Posts: 170,758

    You are welcome again! πŸ˜„

    You are welcome! That was great! So we hope your husband will be getting recovery very well and fine soon from his stroke. β€οΈπŸ€—

  • It's Spring down here in the Southern Hemisphere so I will be watching all the flowers bloom in the garden !

  • Diamond_Lim
    Diamond_Lim Posts: 170,758

    Wow! Sweet! Thank you for your answering your question on Badge of the Month : September 2023 now! πŸŒΈπŸ˜„

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    Have a nice and safety day! ❀️😊

  • encantes
    encantes Posts: 6,418

    Hello Community 🌼🌻🌞

    It was a very hot summer and Autumn is coming soon, hoping to have more time for relax, for watching my preferite movies, to drink my favorite infusion and travel around the world 😍😍

  • teeweiping
    teeweiping Posts: 8,839

    Malaysia don't have fall season.

    I see many from the community's plans is visit a place or watching movie.

    Mine is quite different, my plans now is continuing lives a repentance life by reading more bible, pray more and read more Christianity articles. Since I don't allowed to go to church for some reason, I also plan to have more gathering with my Christian friends.

  • Kerrie
    Kerrie Posts: 3,279

    I'm looking forward to some afternoon and sunset walks with the cooler temperature.

  • Looking forward to cooler weather. Been so hot lately here in California

  • In Italy autumn hasn't arrived yet, the leaves are still green, we will have to wait another 30 days to see the autumn colours.πŸ‚πŸπŸ‚πŸ‚πŸ‚πŸ‚

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