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Podcasts stop playing on iOS every time I launch the app


I listen to podcasts nearly continuously, and every time I launch Candy Crush, my podcasts stop playing, and I have to manually start them again. I prefer to play Candy Crush without game sounds or game music. Is there a way to get the app to respect that setting and let my podcasts continue playing when I launch the app?


  • PrettyBubbles
    PrettyBubbles Posts: 23,490 Bubble Witch Moderator

    Hi my friend welcome to the hub community

    We have no control over your device settings so therefore can not alter the way your pod cast works

    It will be best to contact your provider 💓

  • TorontoPolarBear
    TorontoPolarBear Posts: 2 Newbie

    You are not understanding the nature of the problem. It is not any "provider" that is involved here. The problem is that with any audio that is playing on an iPhone (from Apple Podcast app, for example, or Apple Music App, or any other audio app) the audio stops when Candy Crush Saga is launched. It seems to be a bug in the Candy Crush app that is taking over the audio of the iPhone when the app is launched, causing the podcast (or music) to stop playing. You need to switch to the audio app to restart it and then switch back to Candy Crush. Will you fix this bug?

  • PrettyBubbles
    PrettyBubbles Posts: 23,490 Bubble Witch Moderator
  • QueenB
    QueenB Posts: 13,660 Community Manager

    Hey @TorontoPolarBear,

    It's great to hear you enjoy multitasking with podcasts while playing Candy Crush!

    Unfortunately, some games automatically pause media playback when launched, and it's something the developers would need to address in an update. Your feedback is invaluable, and I'll make sure it's passed along to the team.

    In the meantime, here's a suggestion that might help:

    Adjust Your Game Settings: First, if you haven't already, make sure to turn off the game sounds and music from within Candy Crush's settings.

    Restart Podcast After Launching Game: After launching Candy Crush and ensuring the game's sound is off, swipe up from the bottom of the screen (or double-press the home button on older devices) to bring up the control center. From there, you can press play on your podcast again. It's not the most convenient solution, but some players have found it to be a useful workaround until the app is potentially updated to better handle this issue.

    Hope one of these suggestions helps you enjoy both your podcasts and Candy Crush without interruption! If there's anything else you'd like to know or need further assistance with, feel free to ask.

    Happy crushing and podcast listening! 🍬🎧

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