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❤️💕💖 Win Gold Bars with the 2021 Valentine Community Wide Contests (finished)



  • MountainMom
    MountainMom Posts: 14,397

    In most contests, there are a limited number (typically 5) of entrants that are chosen randomly at the close of a contest to win gold bars. Not all entrants win gold bars -- only those randomly drawn from the total pool of all entrants. It is important to follow the contest instructions carefully so your entries are valid. Then you just have to be lucky in the random drawing. The winners are notified at the end of each contest.

    In contrast, special badges may be awarded to all entrants in a given contest. Check the rules to see if a badge is included. If there is one, you will find it in your profile after you meet the requirements outlined in the contest.

  • White Chocolate

    Creamy Caramel

    Raspberry Marmalade

    French Nougat

    Hazelnut Crunch

    Orange Truffle


  • DawnieC
    DawnieC Posts: 41

    Level 3

    Thank you @bearwithme, @Glenn1972, @PummyRaj, @Chicken_Slayer.

    White Chocolate, Creamy Caramel, Raspberry Marmalade, Hazelnut Crunch, Orange Truffle, and Marzipan

  • Diamond_Lim
    Diamond_Lim Posts: 170,758

    Then what's your favourite treat / candy that you can still get this badge. 😉

    Please edit to use spoiler then answer What' s your favourite treat / candy and these 7 candy names that you can chance to win gold bars on any one of King's Game and get this badge. 😉

  • Diamond_Lim
    Diamond_Lim Posts: 170,758

    Hello! New Bee Players! 👋

    Welcome to Sweet King Community! 👑

    We can only use English on this contest that we can understand / help you on King Community. Don't worry! You make sure use Google Translate to translate English Language as well on next time who have used another language. 😉

    And please make sure to use SPOILER then answer what's your favourite treat / candy and these 7 candy names that you can get this badge and chance to win gold bars if you have playing any King's Game :

    If you haven't used Spoiler, sorry! You cannot chance to win gold bars on any one of King's Game! 😔

    You can also check to learn guides around King Community, Join Contests to chance to win gold bars and more on my below signature here. 👇

    Have a nice and safety day! 😊

  • MandyP123
    MandyP123 Posts: 64

    Level 3

    My favorite Valentine's candu is strawberries dipped in chocolate.

    The answers for the seven contests are:

    White Chocolate

    Creamy Caramel

    French Nougat

    Raspberry Marmalade

    Hazelnut Crunch


    Orange Truffle

  • Cagnes
    Cagnes Posts: 1,435

    @Diamond Lim

    Thank you for tagging me.

    My favorite dessert is marzipan

    Ccs white chocolate

    Ccss kimmy creamy caramel

    C is jelly queen raspberry marmelade

    Ccf yeti French nougat

    Fhs choochoo Hazelnut crunch

    Prs panda bear orange truffle

    BWS3 stella. Marzipan

  • Lollipop

    Dairy milk all flavours

    KitKat, 5star, white chocolate, coconut chocolate, milky bars..

  • Dairy milk all flavours

    KitKat, 5star, white chocolate, coconut chocolate, milky bars..

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