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  • teresawallace44
    teresawallace44 Posts: 4,436
    edited March 2021

    You’ll find your profile when you first open your Candy Crush Saga game @cozmotrilium

    When you open the game it should say “Play” and under that it should say “My Profile” or “Save Your Progress” You have to be logged into Facebook or by your email for the King community to have your profile there. 👍

    Hope you can find it. 💕🤗

    Teresa 🦋🌺🦋

  • wykoon
    wykoon Posts: 12,717

    Hello again @cozmotrilium and thanks for the info under your setting. Have you tried clicking on the "my profile" button as advised by @teresawallace44? Let me know if you still can't find the user ID.

    Cheers and take care ❤️🙏

    Teresa, it's ok to help and thanks 👍🏻❤️ and you can always tag me or @Elsa on anything 🤗

  • Thank you @wykoon for the information, but when I clicked ⚙️all I see is this:

    I also tried clicking on my profile picture but it only showed my boosters and progress.

    I used to play on an app, and when I clicked the settings I was able to click on "My Profile" and double-tap on the King Sign to see my ID.

  • To keep it on topic: I love your new signature where it says [that the mystery moderator] can reject your answer to destroy hard work!

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 11,816
    edited April 2021

    Hello @cozmotrilium. Could you elaborate on your comment, please? I don't know what you are referring to & from what I can see @wykoon & @teresawallace44 have tried to help you with regardless of your off-topic questions here & here.

  • me6412
    me6412 Posts: 9,639

    @cozmotrilium Everyone has a Game ID if not then your running multiple accounts, reason I know this is because I have caught several members before using them and if your a single member then regardless if you play through Facebook or King Games you will have a player ID....I know this for sure and I am positive about that, unless like I mentioned you are trying to run multiple accounts and deceive the Community or King Games then you along with everyone in the world has an Game ID....hope this helps you my Community friend, if not then refer to the Community Team, as I have checked with Xarly and The King Games Panel and both agreed with me....

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 11,816
    edited April 2021

    🙌 Thanks for helping out @me6412!

    ... And since this is a discussion I created to highlight honest players -like yourself- and things in the games, would you mind telling me here what the King Games Panel is? I've seen you mention it before but hadn't found the right opportunity to ask.

    Glad I caught you my friend, I had been missing you! 🤗 Talk later, gotta go 'cause my PMs are on fire right now, so many messages to reply to! Crazy active around here tonight! 😉

  • me6412
    me6412 Posts: 9,639
    edited April 2021

    @Miss_Dani King Games Panel is a site where I vote on what new in game features that will come to each game mostly CCSS, CCFS, FHS, CCS. These have been the only ones that I have been asked to vote on subjects such as: Bears competition that's was in the CCSS last week, and Bubblegum contest that was in the CCFS that just finished up and Dachs Delivery Severice, and the one now with Odis and the Jelly Queen. FHS is getting ready to have a great one coming up in maybe 3 days where you can win lots of boosters something like the one that's going on now, but not with Bonnie the Horse, it's more like the more levels you complete with out losing a life the better the booster's..(ssshhh) I am not supposed to say anything about it accept on my Facebook page and my yes Twitter account, that King Games knows that I do for takes up a lot of time and I get nothing in return either I just do it for the fun and to make sure everyone has enjoyable experience with King Games and wants to join the Community, because I really like the Community and that's why I try so hard to keep it a fair and friendly place for everyone and no cheaters allowed (period) yes for free I do this. So yes I know the in Game contest but I keep it to myself, there are only me from the Community and 3 from Facebook and 1 from YouTube that I know that vote on these wonderful in game (Bonus features) to make everyone gain more booster's, and continue to play Candy Crush.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 11,816

    @me6412, how is it that I only learn this about you now?! That's is some pretty cool stuff! I need those links now, to those groups of yours now, you know that right?! I'll PM you about that.

    My dear friend, how do you do it all?! How are you an awesome dad, a hero without a cape & run all those groups?! 🙌 You have my absolute admiration!

  • teresawallace44
    teresawallace44 Posts: 4,436
    edited April 2021

    Hey thanks @me6412 for clearing up why a player wouldn’t have no player ID or profile. Something I’ll keep a lookout from now on. That does make sense though. 💕👍

    I would love to join your groups on Facebook. Can you send me a PM about the groups. Thanks in advance. 💕🤗

    We learn something new everyday. Right @Miss_Dani? 😝😉

    Teresa 🦋🌺🦋

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?