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Signature Picks



  • Awesome signature picks @frenioz00

    Thanks for sharing. πŸ€—

    Stay safe. πŸ’•πŸ’«

    Teresa πŸ¦‹πŸŒΊπŸ¦‹

  • Oh my days, it had died quietly when originally posted. Obviously, I thought it was great at the time of posting thanks for confirming it 😎😜

    I seriously cannot believe it!

    I still need to read Elsa's story, will do when get a chance.

  • wow, girl! good choice! This was a really good thought.

  • Heya! 😊 @frenioz00

    Thank you for tagging me.Β 

    Regarding the topic of signatures I feel some people would find it useful if there were links on signatures as an easier way to access what they are looking for, but also to find out something new to take part in.There is the other group of people who don’t really care about signatures.Β 

    My interesting picks for last week would be What in the where - I feel it’s a super fun game.Β 

    Morphing Words Saga (former: Change One Letter Game) Your game it’s different, makes you think more πŸ˜…

    Devenez l’artiste comme Rachel pour une chance de gagner 20 lingots - @Nat09 drawing contest!


  • @Trish24 thank you for the link to the drawing contest. Some awesome pics there. I hope I can free up some time to join in there.

    And @frenioz00 for the initial tag. It has made me realise there is so much more going on in the King community. As I only play Candy Crush Saga my main focus has been there.

  • Nat09
    Nat09 Posts: 12,561

    Thanks @Trish24, I’m glad you enjoyed my contest 😊

    Hi @mint_aero lovely to meet you πŸ€— I hope you can free up some time and enter my contest, you have till September 14, you just need to draw your favourite character and write the name of the character ( either on the picture or in your post ) hope to see you there 😁🐰

    Love your signature pick for the week @frenioz00 πŸ₯°

  • Anahita_2005
    Anahita_2005 Posts: 19,037
    edited September 2020 thing I forgot to say you have good signature @frenioz00! I didn't knew about that What in the where game..your signature helped me! πŸ˜„

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 11,816
    edited September 2020

    Hi there my friend, @candycrushinit! πŸ€— Awesome that you stopped by!

    I think I've told you before that I really like your stories, so let me use these opportunity to highlight It's summertime! -one of your latest stories- since it is definitely as must read. As so are our dear @Elsa's many stories as well as her special story for New Bees. πŸ’―

    Let's also make a special reference to @Nat09's awesome Contest, I bet many will love to join! πŸ–ŒοΈ I mean... Rachel, drawings & Gold Bars?! 😊 What more can you ask for?!

    Oh, BTW! I πŸ’œ that you included the mask advisory in such a sweet way in your Signature. 😷

  • Nat09
    Nat09 Posts: 12,561

    Thanks @candycrushinit for choosing my contest as one of your top picks. Maybe if @QueenMia see how talented and interested people are, she might make a bigger drawing contest later on, it would be fun across all the communities to have a drawing contest. Their is so much talent in are communities. 😊🐰

  • Oh, @wykoon, you are always so kind to me my friend! πŸ€—

    I feel you on spending a bunch of time on Signatures... I've spent countless hours on it and I still would like to make some changes and improvements... but, just like you, I'm not very editing savvy, IYKWIM. πŸ˜…

    I like that you added a link to the Community's Help Center in your Signature for it allows easy access to a section many of us use frequently and that New Bees are always in need of. πŸ’‘

    And let me use this opportunity to highlight your Poll on Shuffling Unlucky Boards in CCS -as it is one of my favorite Discussion by you. πŸ’―

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?