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Today is National Middle Child Day!



  • _Elsa_
    _Elsa_ Posts: 37,460
    First Born

    It's strange @CarlitaAlfonso that in my family, being the oldest, I always got blamed for things my middle sister did. I wonder if that might have been a generation thing. I don't know everyone's ages here but my parents came from the depression era and their parenting skills were far from the best.

  • rajdeeptb
    rajdeeptb Posts: 4,325
    Middle Born

    Middle born

  • may28
    may28 Posts: 20

    Level 3

    Last Born

    Gracias por la etiqueta @Diamond Lim Soy la menor de 4 hermanos

    @Elsa MUY InteresANTE

  • MollyS
    MollyS Posts: 7,317
    First Born

    First born, I have a younger sister and brother. We are all close in age and had much fun growing up together!

    Thanks for the interesting thread @Elsa

  • Peanut7139
    Peanut7139 Posts: 1,722
    Middle Born

    There is a lot of positivity in me and shown because I didn't want to past down what I saw and learned. The favoritism that was shown around me to the older and younger is destructive. I know the world says that what doesn't break you makes you stronger but I don't agree. I've never said that to anyone because if you are broken, how can you be stronger? It broke me because you ask yourself that question a lot, what was wrong with you? Why were you skipped over, why not you? I'm strong but not because of that. I'm strong for many other reasons and the biggest is my relationship with God. Growing up the middle child did a lot of damage. In my head I can't imagine skipping over one of my children just because they are the middle child. I would love to ask a parent, why?

  • Peanut7139
    Peanut7139 Posts: 1,722
    Middle Born

    It's weird Elsa and I say that based on what you just said. In my house since I was the hated one (middle child), I got blamed for everything the oldest and youngest did. I also saw were the oldest in a lot of house hold was held responsible for everything because they were the oldest. I don't agree with that because the oldest shouldn't be responsible for the other children. The oldest didn't give birth to them therefore not there responsibility.

  • Vanessa_Lionheart
    Vanessa_Lionheart Posts: 40

    Level 3

    Well I'm the second and youngest one for my mother, God bless her soul, but my father has another child after me so maybe I'm a middle child??? 🤔

  • Peanut7139
    Peanut7139 Posts: 1,722
    Middle Born

    Dr. Phil just stated on his show dated today, " Take it from a middle child, it's easy to disappear".

  • fabke
    fabke Posts: 3,970
    Last Born

    @Elsa almost all my sisters took good care of me, I was the baby

  • greddycandy
    greddycandy Posts: 12,429
    Middle Born

    I'm the sixth out of seven children. Some of the traits apply, though I'm more of a loner because growing up in such a large family and everyone wants to be the leader (bossy ha ha)! So I can be very stubborn and obstinate to safeguard my peace and quiet. I've definitely been a big rebel in my youth which allowed me my freedom and space.

    Happy National Middle Child Day to all middle children!

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