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Today is Veterans Day!



  • nightshade1066
    nightshade1066 Posts: 62

    Level 3

    Thank you to all veterans for their service. Happy Veterans Day.

  • @Nat09 Hi fellow Canadian! Yes, Rememberance Day is celebrated very differently in Canada. My husband's grandfather served in WWI. He enlisted at the tender age of 18, fought many battles and was discharged in August, 1919. He had 5 sick days throughout the entire four years of the war. I'm originally from Newfoundland which did not become a Canadian Province until 1949 so the Newfoundland Regiment fought with Britain. The Battle of Beaumont Hamil was one of the bloodiest days of the entire war and of the 800 Newfoundlanders who went into battle on July 1st, 1916 more than 700 were killed. Lest We Forget 🇨🇦

  • Munster
    Munster Posts: 609

    to my sister and all the men and women that served... THANK YOU

  • fabke
    fabke Posts: 3,970
    edited November 2021


    Thanks for the tag @Diamond Lim

    The United States has Veterans Day. The day is called jour du Souvenir or jour de l'Armistice in France and Wallonia.

    Armistice Day is a national holiday in Belgium, France and Serbia. In Belgium, since 1922, every year on this day, in the presence of the King, the armistice ceremony has been held at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, first to commemorate the victims of the First World War, then also those of the Second World War. World War and all other wars in the world.

    The Polish national holiday, Independence Day, on November 11 is related to the end of World War I.

    The United Kingdom and the British Commonwealth pay extensive attention to this day (Remembrance Day or Armistice Day). Families of veterans from these countries flock to Ypres to keep a death vigil for the war victims at the Menin Gate. The symbol for the commemoration is the poppy (English: poppy).

    Remembrance Day in the Netherlands takes place on May 4. The Netherlands remained neutral during the First World War.

    Germany holds the Volkstrauertag for the fallen in World War I on the Sunday closest to November 16, the second Sunday before Advent.

  • MiladyR
    MiladyR Posts: 10,740

    Thank you 🙏🏽

  • Nat09
    Nat09 Posts: 12,561

    Hi @MicheleHogg Most of my husband’s family are army men, a lot of them served, some are still serving our country. Both his grandfather’s served in world war 2, one of them had the job of cleaning the planes when they came back, I can’t imagine the gruesome job that must have been, removing someone who died for his country in the plane and do it with respect. His grandfather died last year, a month after his wife of 70 years, he was 95 years old and lived every day to the fullest. I believe 5 of his sons were in the army, some of his grandchildren and great grandchildren are in the army now serving our country. 🇨🇦

  • Peanut7139
    Peanut7139 Posts: 1,734

    Thank you Veterans!

  • dlovo313
    dlovo313 Posts: 254

    Thank you for your service.. 🙌🏽

  • me6412
    me6412 Posts: 9,639

    Happy Veterans Day to those who Served, Serving and who will Server.....and to the many members of my Family....I say Thank you for all you have done, and "GOD BLESS "

  • Thank you @Elsa and @Diamond Lim for the tag

    Happy Armistice day to everybody. Let's think to all humans who have fought for the freedom and also animals like horses who have been killed or injured. Peace

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