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Which of these options would you prefer when you're stuck in a level?



  • Lisal6715
    Lisal6715 Posts: 4,070
    Receive help from a friend to beat the level

    i voted receive help from a friend because I have usually tried to clear the level many times, i have played the level so many times and have already watched a lot of videos and used up available boosters and extra moves.

  • Diamond_Lim
    Diamond_Lim Posts: 170,758
    A mini side quest with rewards to help you pass the level

    Hello there! @cmwithdar1 and Another New Bee Players! 👋

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  • Nace_Kahn
    Nace_Kahn Posts: 108

    Non of the above! First make the levels reasonable that it should be able to be passed without a single booster ! !!!!!!

  • Lisal6715
    Lisal6715 Posts: 4,070
    Receive help from a friend to beat the level

    Agree it would be much better if the levels were passable

  • gisaly
    gisaly Posts: 804
    Play another King game to earn rewards also valuable in the game you're stuck

    argh I was wrong, too bad..LOL

  • LeFlarcane
    LeFlarcane Posts: 19,920
    A mini game to win boosters for the level you are stuck on


    If you are stuck in a level many times especially if you don't have any boosters, grind some boosters in any events or daily rewards.

  • Scooterpie
    Scooterpie Posts: 6,698

    Cannot pick any of the options.


  • Lady_Choo
    Lady_Choo Posts: 26,403
    A mini side quest with rewards to help you pass the level

    Hard to choose as they are all useful!

  • Diamond_Lim
    Diamond_Lim Posts: 170,758
    A mini side quest with rewards to help you pass the level

    Yeah! Me too as I always passing these levels without using boosters and extra moves on Diamond Diaries Saga too. 😄

    Oh! It's mistake as voted accidentally. But it's okay and thank you for your voting on this poll feedback discussion. 😊

  • annmary
    annmary Posts: 71

    Level 3

    edited August 2022
    A mini game to win boosters for the level you are stuck on

    Hi everyone

    I'd like more rewards as you get on higher levels which sometimes are really impossible. I'm nearly at level 10000 and I often get stuck in the same level for ages... "lives" end and boosters as well so this is quite frustrating.

    One more thing...weekly challenges.

    I think there's no equity in them because it's hard to compete and win with those who are at a lower level... I mean, I'm at level 9688 (so each level requires a certain number of attempts to be overcome due to the difficulty) and I keep on losing the weekly ride because there's a player who goes straight on quickly. But he's at level 1000 or just around it, so it's obvious that he can move more easily and faster than me. I think something should be changed☹️

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?