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  • razzle61
    razzle61 Posts: 2

    Level 1

    Hi to all. I'm a Newby. I. Playing solitaire saga, now I can't send or receive lives as the friend list has disappeared. How do I get it back. Please help.

  • teeweiping
    teeweiping Posts: 8,915

    You need to post your question at the support section out there.

  • Diamond_Lim
    Diamond_Lim Posts: 171,275

    Welcome to Sweet King Community! 👑

    How about you have clicked on "friends list" on King Games's Facebook Notification? (if you haven't clicked it yet) 🤔

    Also click and check here (Where did my progress and friends list go?) then you can skip to like my upper one. 👆

    You can also click here to read my answer to follow these steps of add more friends that I hope you can send and receive lives with friends on this game. 😊

    Oops! This area is Player's Corner (not Pyramid Solitaire Saga).

    If you want to ask this game question, please ask on Pyramid Solitaire Support Community (Correct Area) next time. Thanks! 😉

    You can also check more this games' exciting news, threads and contests here 👇😊

    Hot right now in Pyramid Solitaire Saga here and in King Community here 🌶️🎴👑

    Want to win Free Gold Bars on this game? Participate and Answer here! 🎉🏆✨

    👑 Join our Kingdom and get this royal badge here and Pro Players - Welcome to the Community (May Become Pro Player then Comment and Get Pro Player Badge) here!

    Have a nice and safety day! ❤️😊

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