⭐️ The Community has a brand new look
Hello again! Elsa! 👋
Don't worried! We really cannot see/view another players' email address on their view profile 😊
We can see own email address by ourselves on our own profile only. 😊
I haven't received my email notifications by these players sent and copied my address from this community right now. 😊
And about comment on our walls, it's cannot be possible to turn off these comments on our walls. Unless you want to private profile, you can go to edit profile then tick on your private profile. So we cannot view your view profile and comment on your walls as private. 😉
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Awesome look
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Sweet! Thank you for your answering your feedback! 👍😄
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Visits mean the number of times we logged in or the amount of people who visited out profile?
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I did it
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Candy crush level.12796 withb20moves.
Is impossible to pass this level.king team pls look into the platform and increasevthe moves.is irritating and too many blockers.
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What I've noticed that I don't like is that I no longer receive King forum emails. I checked my notification preferences and everything is ok there. While I felt I previously received way too many king emails, now I get none. I used those emails to remind me to post in the counting threads, etc. but guess I won't do that anymore.
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Wot can I do ? It keeps saying carnt connect to server .but iam connected to internet and wifi
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Your new background music not suitable for this game. Your background music is very Caliente. This music is irritating for game playing time. Please change your new background music. Your game live sound is not fit any candy crusing time. You're old live sound is better compare to new sound.