Share your experiences and feelings - we're all in this together ❤️

Hey friends!!
We're living a very special situation, and it's normal to feel scared, angry, sad, bored...everyone has their own feelings, thoughts and experiences- and it's ok!
We'd like to know about yours!! Is your game helping you pass these long hours? Are you playing with your family? Competing against a friend? Taking turns for playing on a tablet?
Go ahead and share your stories with the Community below!❤️
I'm covered...😜
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I'm guessing this is why people are buying toilet papers for... to have fun with while at home...
(PS: I only have 6 rolls at home TBH 😥)
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This can't go on for too long... I NEED to go back exercise 😅
Stay safe everyone and enjoying having plenty of time to play Candy Crush Friends 🤪❤️🍒
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Using the rooftop of my building to have some sense of fresh air outside home..
Ok, let's be honest... I might made it my "personal outdoor bar" 🤣
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Hello! @Community_Team 👋
When coronavirus started spreading on my country (Malaysia), I wear protective mask and go to the shop, I see so many people are wearing protective masks and buying protective and useful things and many foods while they queue up in the shop. Oh No~! I should ask the shopping manager first, "Have protective masks are here?" Unfortunately, there are no protective masks in the shop as sold out, I feel upset! 😔 Then I buy them quickly as I feel afraid they sold out. Luckily I buy them completed and so close! But I will buying again on tomorrow or so on! Haha! 😅
After I am back to home, Of course! I wash my hands properly first (Virus can alive about 10 minutes only when I wash my hands) as I touch any things whom has got this disease. 😉
Before I started doing to work, I followed these preventions steps too! I hope I will stay safe in my country.
** Today I see the news are all of the schools (some work) will be closed and more delayed to open as want them to stay safe too. **
** And there are over 500 cases spreaded by coronavirus (but it's no death yet) in my country. We feel like afraid for coronavirus is really dangerous virus but we start to become more cautious to use these prevention steps as well from coronavirus that we will safe. 😊 **
So the most important about prevention from diseases is you make sure to wear protective mask when you go out and wash your hands properly (Virus can alive about 10 minutes only when you wash your hands) 😊
We hope we will stay safe around the world and King Community! 😊
And I will tagging active players to see and tell them to discuss your caring/funny/more reactions corona-stories :
(Tagging name's list - Part 1)
@AbhinavSargar, @lilac68, @TaniaSloan, @stan1981, @lulu13, @yukibear, @Flanje, @donnakessler, @debrichmond, @Maria_Colella, @Yosca, @KENTFIELDER, @lcalloway82, @Jasmina, @ArmyArms, @GranBarb, @sam_123, @ZoricaPanda, @SarLou, @JulesAg, @TrishaRobbeCandy, @firebombmarkus, @frenioz00, @Spinnifix, @Mmmkingfan, @MataiceAlison, @AShadow, @Sofia1992, @Julie_Andrews, @Mahiveche, @Elsa, @imabearnut, @destiny3, @JoJo333, @ivy2020, @FaRayha, @Mim_, @TheRevenger, @the_revenger, @siti_payung, @Sukanta_Biswas, @BeckyBubblegum, @Deryck, @christine88, @encantes, @caambuj, @DeepshikhaSharan, @Sharon_Loose, @LauraLMason, @Yosca, @piaandersson, @Acv, @Mangai, @Simon888, @Swimming, @Fakhri, @Scooterpie, @wozziewoo, @Sammyjo, @sakura, @SagaR, @DoubleB423,
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(Tagging name's list - Part 2)
@RobinCorte , @samm_kml, @foxyfox, @Betts, @Mattia_, @Glenn1972, @stramonium, @caambuj, @Lucas_Yan_Maia, @SabrinaM, @Foley1362, @johamilton, @mysticalmysty, @Sukanta_Biswas, @kiara_wael, @Werner_Cichy, @stan1981, @Nck, @Nat09, @SeraphicStar, @bearwithme, @kaiser1618, @Rancid, @paul5473, @abe_coffee, @Crimson_Dawn, @LizzyLemondrop, @wafercookieflippers, @mercerik, @Chicken_Slayer, @MiaChristine, @candycrushinit, @flew66, @BQN537, @Special_K369, @gr33n3y3z, @PummyRaj, @STOKEDER, @slidey, @ShannaSkywolf, @SugarDonuts, @Mattia_, @kingcrushinit, @Mistyfan, @Popower, @Pocahontas1, @pompamandy83, @Albert_Heinrich, @richcastle, @Byrd59, @QueenReineer, @LatishaWillyard, @mimi1954, @Spieler_8675309, @MorphButterfly, @sarma_palash123, @Marzia333, @tininha1975, @Gourav01, @Aitch, @Peter_Tornaros, @Breee, @Ashraf, @mimi1954 and @satnam 👋
** If you have free time, what do you share to tell them your caring / funny / more reactions corona-stories? **
Stay safe on King Community! 😊
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I am just locked inside my home. In India there are very less cases of COVID-19 and WHO has said that India does not need to worry but still I am afraid. We are really in a strange situation. My office has shut down, they have given holidays, just to protect all the employees. I love what the Indian Government is doing to protects us. Still, I am afraid. I use many many games to keep my mind diverted. As soon as Coronavirus came to India, I went to the supermarket and bought everything for 2 months at once! I also bought about 30 sanitiziers. I have been playing with my family as going outside is dangerous! Thanks for all your games and this community!. Be safe everyone!
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Hi there!
Thanks @Lim for marking. I see this situation calmly. Shopping is normal for me and not hamster buying. Personal hygiene as always and also wash your hands. If I have to leave the apartment, I take disinfectants with me. I don’t go out much and I’m at home and I’m helping a lot. No difference as if there was nothing. You can cause stress and it makes it worse. You should always keep calm and do everything wisely. Is my honest opinion about it !!
All the best to everyone and whoever is infected GET BETTER.
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It is a scary situation. Very few actual cases in the city where I live but the schools have been closed this week and elsewhere in the USA stronger measures have been taken because of the Coronavirus situation. I have a daughter living and working in London. She and her husband are OK but the situation has affected her work because she is an agent at a modeling agency so a lot of photo shoots have been cancelled.
I usually work from home anyway - so it hasn't affected my work schedule, but my younger daughter and my husband are still going to their place of work as usual but that may change in the future. I was able to get out and go to a local nature reserve on Sunday. It was very peaceful and there was plenty of space and very few people so keeping my distance was not a problem.
Hopefully people who are restricted to their homes will come here more often to the community to share thoughts, play games, enter contests and just know they are not alone. Stay safe everyone and take adequate precautions.
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Well it's like this! Rancid and Lucy just completed an adventure. You see, Rancid wants to propose to Rachel but he doesn't know anything about diamonds. So he gets together with Lucy and believe it or not, when they go to the store to buy some food they also found the paper products aisle empty! What's going on? I would love to know why oh why toilet paper is such a necessity when this virus has to do with the lungs. Can you explain this to me?
If you want to read if Rachel accepts Rancid's proposal you can read the story here.
On a serious note, I think our virus count in New Jersey is around 100 and I think there were 2 deaths. I know that New York has it bad. Spain and Italy I have heard are the worst so far.
They closed my grandchildrens' schools. Supermarkets have now cut back on their hours. In New York they closed down all the plays on Broadway. Now get this! My only soap opera show "General Hospital" has stopped production and sent all actors and actresses home. What is everyone going to do if they are stuck at home with soap opera reruns?
I have spent the morning creating some fun puzzles for the community so they won't get bored at home. I can come back here later with the link if anyone wants to help me tag players.