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  • _Elsa_
    _Elsa_ Posts: 37,542

    I am watching the news now and they just announced that in New York and New Jersey the governors are now saying that restaurants can do take out only. No seating. The stock market is dropping and they are now talking recession. Movie theaters have been shut down. People here who cannot work will now be trying to collect unemployment. They are talking that it won’t be over until July or August.

  • Sofia1992
    Sofia1992 Posts: 2,526

    Hey everyone.

    First of all, thanks for the tag @Lim .

    Also, about the corona-virus,'s time to share and my own story. In my country (where is Greece of course) , things start to become harder and harder.

    352 people got sick from that virus. Doctors every day and night try so hard to save those people. Right now, 6 people died and one of them was a doctor which makes the situation so sad.

    I know that things around the world gets harder and harder but we still have each other. Please my friends...take care of yourselves. Stay home and if you go out, then wear mask and gloves and wash your hands.

    Also, schools had been closed for 15 days and everything else except from super-markets.

    Secondly, about @Elsa 's question about the toilet paper, well...I made some search and if all of you wonder why people want to buy toilet paper mostly cause of that crisis with corona-virus, it's for two reasons.

    1)It's a way on how people react to stress: they want an element of comfort and safety.

    Many people are likely to use toilet paper as a tissue and therefore imagine that they need a lot if they have the flu or a flu-like illness. Storing toilet paper is also a relatively inexpensive activity and people do it when they feel they are in danger.

    Also, as you might notice, a big part of humans around us have something called FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out Syndrome). A syndrome that was very recently studied in America as early as 2014, and refers to the situation where one has the pervasive and almost constant concern that he has to do what others do.

    We do it because if someone buys something, then everyone will gonna buy it too. We human are social beings and we are affected from social medias like Facebook or even TV alot. We do it because we want to make sure that everything will be ok and that's how we feel safe.

    And thirdly, after all this time, I will agree with @mercerik 's comment. We have to be responsible for us and for everyone around us. And as she said, hospitals don't have enough bed for all the patients and doctors have to take hard decisions which one will gonna live and which will gonna die. And also, I will agree that this virus doesn't had any cure now.

    So, please everyone. Please my friends here...Protect yourselves from this danger. I...I wouldn't like to lose anyone of you. My life will be very empty if I lose someone of you.

    So, take care of yourseves...stay home and remember to protect yourselves.

    Now if you wonder what I do so to spend my time every day, well...I play Candy Crush Friends Saga and also...I love so much to talk with all of you here.

    P.S: And @mercerik ...I...I'm sorry know. Let's forget our differences and..let's become friends for our community.

    And as I said before, I agree with you about what you said for that virus.

  • DebbieMillwood
    DebbieMillwood Posts: 11

    Level 2

    Shhhh ..don't let people know how much TP you have!😂😂😂

  • gr33n3y3z
    gr33n3y3z Posts: 9,493

    Lol I love the toilet paper jokes🤣 keep em coming 😜.

    But honestly if I could use profanity in my post without being flagged I I would. That's how stressed I am at the moment 🤪

    For once I'm lost for words. My son's school is closed, probably for the rest of the year! Both of his travel and little league baseball teams are going to be shut down for the season ( hope I get a refund 🙄) now I'm stuck, I have a toddler (with respiratory problems) and my older son that now has to be home schooled! Plus I have my elderly father that I take care of. With many health issues 😔.

    Like WTF I'm stressed out 😥 I can't believe this. It's not even spring time and we're talking about this to subside around July/August.

    Everyone stay healthy and keep your loved ones safe as well.❤️

  • mercerik
    mercerik Posts: 3,617
    edited March 2020

    That is all we watch these days. Gatherings are now limited to 10 or less which is good to prevent the spread of COVID-19. Who would want to party these days anyway? Besides, St. Patrick will understand why no one celebrates him this year.

    Schools are closed indefinitely. Our Archbishop has suspended mass service. I wish the government shutdown everything for 14 days when this first hit, they would have at least contained it. It is scary because we don't know who has it or have been diagnosed with it.

    The Stock Market was in the 27,000+ before this virus hit. It has been down since last week and now in the 20,000+. This has now set the stress level off the chart.

  • BQN537
    BQN537 Posts: 25,876

    Where I live in NSW not much has changed at all the schools are still open probably that will change pretty quick.

    There have been 2 or 3 reported cases in the area, so business as usual for now just trying to buy things is getting really hard so much panic buying. I really feel for the staff that work in the supermarkets some people are so rude towards them .

    Stay safe and well everyone 🐨🐬🌊

  • Diamond_Lim
    Diamond_Lim Posts: 170,723

    Thanks for your sharing/answering amazing corona-stories! Everyone! 🤗

    I see your answers are very caring and informative! Well done! 👍

    @Chicken_Slayer - Thank you for answering! I know some of protective masks are unprotective especially thin/narrow masks but I haven't going out and wear masks many days. And I go any pharmacies then there are no protective masks as sold out too. Yes! The important is wash hands properly as well when touch any things. (with using soap (at home/toilet) / hand sanitizer (when I go out) 😊

    @Elsa - Me too! There are so many people buys many toilet paper rolls as toilet rolls can made up protective masks but I am not sure it can protective or not as I haven't tried to make them. So that why they buys many toilet paper rolls. Except toilet paper rolls, they also buy many foods and hand sanitizers. (Before become more expensive) A few days later, I think all of the useful things started become more expensive to buy mostly. 🤔

    (By the way, I updated my signature as I added "Prevention from coronavirus" to notice all of the players have seen it that they will understand and more cautious to prevent from coronavirus now. Stay safe around the world and King Community! 😊)

  • _Elsa_
    _Elsa_ Posts: 37,542

    @mercerik I love your new profile picture!

    Well my sister sent me an email last night and the doctor told her that he thinks that she has a mild case of this. Great! She's been running low grade fevers for 4 days now and her chest just doesn't feel right but no coughing. I don't think he suggested testing but told her to stay indoors for the next 2 weeks. I hope this doctor is giving her the right advice. I know that none of the states have enough testing kits so maybe they are only testing those with a high fever and coughing.

  • flew66
    flew66 Posts: 2,361
    edited March 2020

    Thanks for tagging me! I live in Alberta, Canada and have families in the far east. We watched the development in the far east closely when COVID-19 rampaging in China in the beginning of the year. We worried for the families in Hong Kong and Singapore. We actually bought surgical masks and sent them by airmail to families in February when China was in shut down mode around Chinese Lunar New Year. Fortunately they kept it under control. There are something the west can learn from places like Hong Kong and Singapore. Both Hong Kong and Singapore are densely populated and yet they managed to keep the case number down to around 157 and 254, respectively, while the cases exploded in Europe and Americas.

    Our lives in North Americas turned upside down in the last 3 weeks. Fortunately my immediate family are not in the high risk group. I can work virtually anywhere so working from home is never an issue. My son is probably enjoying the shortened semester as the universities in my city have cancelled the rest of the term and switched to online learning. On the other hand, my wife is probably a bit stressful as she works in a family clinic. The clinic is taking a lot of safety measures but it is still a high risk area where sick people gather.

    There are some drastic measures are being done in my province and Canada wide. The K-12 schools are all closed province-wide. All professional sports are suspended. Shopping centres and stores are cutting the hours. The Canadian Prime Minister has announced the ban of foreign entry this morning. Luckily we can still get grocery from our local supermarket. Yes, the aisle are quite empty but the customers are still behaving. There are lot of questions about how families can endure the shutdown as many people's jobs are on the line. I also feel sorry for the college graduates this year as the job market is going to be unbelievably bad, probably worst in decades.

    This is the new normal that we need to get used to. Fortunately, we have the internet, cable TV, Netflix, and last but not least, the King games that help us to cope with this new normal. I also pick up my guitar which I have abandoned for quite some time and trying to play again. 😉

    Stay healthy everyone, both physically and mentally. ❤️

    The following web site may be useful if you want to keep track of the case numbers in the world:

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