💎 Diamond Digger Saga: That moment when Diggy was...furry??!!

Hello friends!
Ready for some Diamond Digger Saga fun facts? Let's start today!!
Did you know our Diggy was furry at some point? The art process behind a character is long and there are many things that can change...but can you imagine a furry Diggy?
Or maybe you not only can imagine, but even remember him?
Which Diggy do you prefer? Comment below! 👇️ And...stay tuned for more fun facts to come in the next days!!
Wow! So cool! 👍
Hi! Diggy! 👋
You are so cute! 😊
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@Elsa @firebombmarkus @PummyRaj@Sukanta_Biswas @wafercookieflippers @Spinnifix @DeepshikhaSharan @AbhinavSargar @Glenn1972 @ShannaSkywolf did y'all know that about Diggy? 😊
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Well, he's a handsome little rascal. 😁
Nice to meet you Diggy!
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Looks Like He Wored a Cat Suit. Nice Work Diggy. Nice Work Diamond Digger Saga Game Team Too. Thanks for Tag @Lola_Pop I didn't knew about it. Thanks for telling me and Everyone @Community_Team
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I just started playing DDS. And I am on level 44. I CAN NOT figure out how to kill the diamonds covered in red!!! AND, I can't find a help topic about it anywhere!! Please help!!
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Furry diggy looks cute! Thanks for tag @Lola_Pop
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Hello! @livelovetoil2 👋
Welcome to Sweet King Community! 👑
You searched for "Diamond Digger Level 44 No Booster" on YouTube or so that I hope you can see these tips of how to pass this level without using boosters and extra moves. 😉
By the way, thanks for your playing Diamond Digger Saga. 😊
Have a nice and safety day! 😊
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I don't play Diamond Digger Saga, but I've seen cute little Diggy around the community. He's pretty darn cute, but I think that fur makes him even CUTER! He looks hug-able!
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