So close!
Has anyone had this frustrating problem where you only need one or two moves to finish the level? So annoying 🙄
Where are all my friends?
Yesterday when i was playing i had at least 50 friends. I now only have 6! Where are the rest?
Sweet crew problem
I joined sweet crew today and i realised the words below the profile's say atacante! I googled what it meant and it said attacker! Definitely not related to the game. Anyone else have this problem?
Candy crush accomplishments! Or not...
If anyone is playing the game on king.com does the "accomplishment" area work for you? All of my accomplishments are showing "0%"
New appearing booster
This booster is basically a candy with a prize. Here's an example: Striped candy- the "booster will spawn on a candy that will spawn ( Like the extra time candy it shows +5, perhaps a little stripped candy symbol on a candy will do, once matched, a random striped will appear Wrapped- random candy with wrapped symbol Also…
The trophy in the lives folder greyed out...
Why is it greyed out?
Booster glitch!
I was playing level 50, at the start a colourbomb could be made, so i did, then i noticed another colourbomb could be made to get a colourbomb colourbomb combo, but with a switch hand, i had 2 so i used one, after i did i still had 2 switch hands...
Candy Chronicles problem
Why is the game still offering rewards from collecting candy chronicles when the timer has expired?
The ability to pause timed boosters/lives
I've seen for a while when i'm playing that when i get the timed boosters or lives (Colour bombs, coconut wheel etc) It's good, but sometimes i plan to play for a bit and then leave to do something else. Sometimes, right before i exit candy crush, timed boosters appear (Either from f5 or an event) Has anyone found it…
Level 1055 redesign is ridiculous!
The new level 1055 is now just like the other hard levels, literally. Who misses the old 1055? Why would king do this? Do they just want all later levels to not be completable on the first try?