Level Redesign
When I went to my “go to” easy level to complete my Mr. Toffee tasks, SURPRISE! The beginning levels have been redesigned again. From what I can tell, this time the redesign is at least the first four episodes—I think more but I can’t say for sure. Anyone else have those new levels?
Level 3053
Just wanted to send a shout out to the developers of level 3053. Fun level! Has my favorite purple jelly beans and the surprise of having the candies change direction for the last two screens was also fun! I only managed one star, but it’s the kind of level I will want to replay to improve my score.
Cupcake Clouds Episode
So often I post to complain about something, it is only fair that I post about something I enjoy. Finished the Cupcake Clouds Episode a few days ago and just want to say that I think it’s one of the best Episodes I’ve played in a very long time. The levels are challenging, but fair and FUN. Kudos to the developers for that…
Skill vs. the algorithm
It seems to me that as one advances in the game the balance between a player’s skill and the algorithm becomes, well, unbalanced. I don’t consider myself an “expert” player—persistent might be a better description, and it seems to me that even some so-called easy levels require a combination of boosters and additional…
Changed levels, changed game
This is my response to a post from the Soda Squad discussion, but as @Xarly suggested, I am starting a new discussion topic with it. I am only including the parts of the post that I want to address. (When I went to preview this it told me the body was 2606 characters too long, so I will have to post it in two parts.)…
Level 2776
Arrived at this level 2 days ago. It’s a FUN level, labeled hard. Rescue 49 bears from the honey. Able to rescue about 40 bears with no boosters. Thinking...this will be a piece of cake with a double fish booster which would be my daily bonus booster the following day. Got lots of opportunities to combine a fish with…