Blossom Blast
I am not able to go to the next level of Blossom Blast on my I-Pad. However, I have the game sync on my I-Phone & I am able to go to next level without a problem. I tried connecting to Facebook but I have the same problem. I already did trouble shooting with Apple App Tech as well as I-Pad Tech, they fill the problem is on…
Blossom Blast on level 414, graphics very dim on buttons and level numbers.
Using Samsung Galaxy Tab 2. Saved my level, uninstalled and reinstalled. Same problem. Please advise.
Level 516
I've been stuck at level 516 for a few weeks, ready to uninstall at this point. YouTube videos aren't helpful, since 3 small blooms pops the entire board in my game. Really disappointed. Any advice?
Lost of player name
It seems that I lost my player name and I find nobody playing with me. Why is it possible?
Blossom blast will not load
I try to play blossom blast & it will not load. Sometimes it will start to load & then kicks out
I was on level 619 on blossom blast saga and I was logged into Facebook and I clicked log out.. it said “saved progress” then I logged back in and I was back to level 1. Someone please help me restore my levels back!!
AI downloaded the game on my iPad and it won't load?
When Zi try to play the game it won't load up?
I know a lot of players cannot open blossom blast same way with me. Can someone help all of us the answers on how to open this app. I've done everything you say and nothing helps. Please have all of us get into our game
In Blossom Blast Saga there are problems with the sound, it keeps breaking up-can you fix it?
There are problems with the sound, it keeps breaking up-can you fix it?
Blossom Blast Saga does not open on iPad
After following all of the steps to correct the issue with the game, the problem has not been resolved. The Blossom Blast game continues to crash. My other King games do not have an issue. Please help.