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Deryck Level 5


  • First time learning of that, @MannyFae, interesting. Go figure, seems it occurred when I took my months-long break from the game. Good to know I wasn't imagining a time when the necklace gave 2 of each booster, miss those days… In my main game, I'd much rather be given 2 wrapped candies instead of the 2 striped the last…
  • Brief update, @christinewupp: I resumed access to the device of my SS game, and not surprisingly I didn't make #1, but I did advance to next rounds, which should suit your research. I think I accidentally clicked something where King forces name suggestions on players because at one point I saw I was named "Brie" in the…
  • ah, that makes sense—and eye-opening to me that the practice is nothing new. ..geez, something about it rubs me the wrong way, like it's exploitative of the companies that do it. Can't quite put my finger on articulating why I feel that way. 🤔
  • Thanks for the tip, @christinewupp! I'll be prepared for that level. But re. screenshot "img-1892," did you lose that attempt? 😲 Barring any surprises from above (i.e. 3 purples drop, canceling themselves out), that's a "Super Sugar Crush" in the bag. The necessary purple candy is 3 rows above the color bomb. All that was…
  • Getting here late, I know, but I figure you can't have too much data. 😉 This is my GC game's leaderboard: 1 Me (US) - 591 (will change by end of night heh) 2 US - 5147 3 India - 10785 4 Brazil - 1709 5 Brazil - 11235 6 Brazil - 1100 7 Brazil - 5519 8 US - 4930 9 US - 721 10 India - 122 I also sent friend requests to…
  • Nice, I'm also a fan of '90s eurodance aka bubblegum pop. Still have my physical Aqua, Toy-Box, Daze, etc. CDs.
  • This is just for fun since I'm guessing we can't nominate more than one song. I realized another song perfectly captures the game's spirit of persistence and competition: Angela Vía - Catch Me If You Can - YouTube Even with all the obstacles CCS and King has thrown the past few years, us loyal players are still going at it…
  • Interesting, first time I'm learning of a discrepancy with the Super Charger. Mine calls for crowning (not just passing) 10 levels to charge it. Makes me curious to know others' goal for that feature. Indeed, Hard & Super Hard should be fine with the necklace's freebies that are given. I find that even using my own…
  • Good to hear! I just realized what's going on in that image. The foreground is facing the right direction, but the background is upside down. The bicycle clued me in haha. Definitely was a corrupt game. 😆
  • No need to just think it @christinewupp. We have the data to prove the worthlessness of Top That. :p Your screenshot gave me the idea to mirror your progress. My gold bar + inventory on my GC game below: I just won the episode, hence the timed lollipop, but I think I had 14 of those at the time. I don't have access to the…

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