I have read all the 72-strong replies this question has received, as well as the replies of all the hundreds of duplicates this question has received. As a result, this is a potentially critical situation. A possibly worse change might selectively affect other players: Unable to reset board anymore without losing a life,…
Unless things are changed back immediately, it's obvious King doesn't give a damn about its customers . Unfair buffing of levels is a sure-fire way to post huge losses. Unless King WANT losses, please only keep the nerfs. Remove all the offending buffed configs as referenced from my enumeration on the same thread.
Wow mulliganaceous you put that list together? That is a lot of work! I programmed a program to semiautomatically extract the offending redesigned levels.
Nope, they don't milliganaceous, but it is a good feeling to get all gold crowns for some people. I am one of those who really don't pay attention to the crowns because they don't mean a thing. I mean, it does feel good to get the gold one, regardless (when I notice that I'd gotten it lol). Thanks for the posts guys. It is…