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  • siti_payung
    siti_payung Posts: 13,089

    hmmm..I think I still have two cupcakes but now my plate is empty

  • "That slimy little feline did it again; took my cupcakes and i'll bet he's close by watching and laughing. This is not over Wilbur..... this is NOT over!"

  • JoJo75durham
    JoJo75durham Posts: 768
    edited February 2021

    Jojo 75 also wanted to say I hope they bring more of this Back I like playing with this on the game.

  • Great captions so far guys let's keep them coming and those free boosters could be coming your way.

    Hmmmm what is Wilbur thinking right now? where is he going with his stolen food? What is stella cooking up in her mind.

    Let's see from your captions I am sure stella has a plan

    Happy gaming and have a starlistic day ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒ

  • johamilton
    johamilton Posts: 27,568

    Stella is thinking ..... Wilbur, I have had enough of your antics. It is definitely SPELL time!

  • DieOmimi
    DieOmimi Posts: 42,565

    @PrettyBubbles Stella doesn't look happy.ย 

    The caption is:

    You shall remain a sweet witch and not become a fat witch. When I eat the cupcakes, it doesn't affect your waistline.

  • Greymane
    Greymane Posts: 3,961

    Stella: I bet my hat it was that fat cat who just took my cake๐Ÿ˜‘. One of these days I will catch you and skin you alive Wilbur. This is literally the last straw!! That is cake.. Cake!!!!!

  • @Diamond Lim thenks for tagging!

  • Magic wonderla witcher.. here cup cakes are disappear in that land so she is angry..

  • Kricketsarekrunchy
    Kricketsarekrunchy Posts: 8

    Level 2

    edited February 2021


    Stella : I figure if a GIRL wants to be a legend she should just go ahead and be one.

    - Calamity Jane

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