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where is my bubble witch progress i saved it and progress on candy crush jelly..

looney Posts: 12

Level 2

I transferred both games to my phone. the candy crush jelly has come through alright along with my progress but there's no sign of bubblewitch 3 unless i start again. I tried downloading it again but it started at level 1 instead of something like 250 (I can't remember exactly) Where is my progress?? This was about 3 weeks ago and i keep trying to see if uit's there yet but it isn't. Can you fix it please.? looney.



  • PrettyBubbles
    PrettyBubbles Posts: 28,252

    Hi @looney sorry to hear that please don't worry if you post your game ID I will see if we can get your levels manually restored for you 👍⭐

  • looney
    looney Posts: 12

    Level 2

    Hi where will i find my game ID please (i am also playing Candy Crush Jelly but have no problems with that game i am on 986 with that one)

  • PrettyBubbles
    PrettyBubbles Posts: 28,252

    Hi @looney I don't know your device but the tabs may be the same or similar this is where you go on a mobile select profile then tap the word king this will reveal your ID 👍⭐

  • looney
    looney Posts: 12

    Level 2

    I saved my bubble witch 3 progress. in Sept. I used to play on my desktop. I have transferred game to phone and i pad but they have all taken me back to level 1. as i said i played for years on desktop and reached a relatively high level can't remember what it was though 300?. I did the same with candy crush jelly. The jelly one has transferred ok to level over 800 on all my devices. They were both done at the same time but b.w.3 hasn't come through with saved progress. Will you restore it to the level you have for me as starting at 1 again makes the game boring. Thanks

  • PrettyBubbles
    PrettyBubbles Posts: 28,252

    @looney please read my previous replys 👍⭐

  • looney
    looney Posts: 12

    Level 2

    I can’t find the page. You show. I have found a page with Account Settings on . It says Yvonne Turboquad is this my ID. This is on candy crush jelly,

    when I go to b.w.3. Where you are showing profile it says J Williamson but my husband is not a member of King nor has he ever been. Please will you sort this out thanks.

  • PrettyBubbles
    PrettyBubbles Posts: 28,252

    @looney can you send me a screenshot of your page in BW3 after you select profile I can better understand once I see it 👍⭐

  • looney
    looney Posts: 12

    Level 2

    The page changes everytime i go into it this is latest one. I have no trouble with candy crush Jelly so i'll just give up on bubble witch. Thanks

  • PrettyBubbles
    PrettyBubbles Posts: 28,252

    Hi @looney It looks like you have no profile tab to select some players in other games have also experienced this tab missing

    We don't want to loose you so let's try a different way can you send me a PM with the email you use and we can try and find you that way please do not post your email here👍⭐

  • looney
    looney Posts: 12

    Level 2

    My email address has been sent through google mail

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