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(ENDED) Women's Month 22: If you had only one wish...



  • Nadia1770
    Nadia1770 Posts: 867

    I would ask health and happines to everybody!!

  • spoekie
    spoekie Posts: 10,106
    edited March 2022

    @QueenB, @Lola_Pop

    If I had only one wish...all has already been said re peace, cures, health etc...

    So my wish is very personal. Many years ago I was taken away the possibility of saying goodbye to my father whilst I lived abroad. I have forgiven the person who is responsable for this but will never forget.

    The song of Luther Vandross represents the story of my father, mother and me...Dance with my father (again) ❀

    Thank you @Diamond_Lim

  • Glenn1972
    Glenn1972 Posts: 16,650

    Hi @QueenB , @PrettyBubbles and all Bubble Witch Saga players πŸ˜€

    Happy Women's Month 2022

    I wish each women to feel the warmth of their dear help toward others

  • SabrinaM
    SabrinaM Posts: 3,578

    If I had only one wish....

    I would like an end to all wars in the world and peace and health for all😊🌸🌺

  • DanielProGamer
    DanielProGamer Posts: 1,444

    my wish would be that all women live happily with peace and love

  • bearwithme
    bearwithme Posts: 16,946

    If I had just one wish - it would be for an end of suffering for all people (women, men and children) around the world - whether it was from warfare and fighting, disease, poverty, famine or any other kind of hardship that people face and live with every day.


  • MaryLuyo2020
    MaryLuyo2020 Posts: 1,341

    My great and fabolous wish would be for mi mother to be eterna!

  • bekicrusher
    bekicrusher Posts: 1,454

    If I could have one wish it would be the ability to allow humans to fly like birds πŸ™ƒπŸ™Œ

  • Pitty_Kitty
    Pitty_Kitty Posts: 13,008

    My wish would be...probably to learn a new language?

    it's work in progress 😌

  • Hell66
    Hell66 Posts: 765

    Of I had one wish it would be a place on my own to live in. πŸ™ˆ

    Mayby selfish I know, but sometimes we need to be selfish.


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