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Why do I get an error 'Oops, un unknown error occurred' when I try to connect with my facebook accou

Håkan_Berg Posts: 2

Level 1

I get an error 'Oops, un unknown error occurred' when I try to connect with my facebook accunt.When I search FAQ I find nothing related.When I search the forum I find nothing related.Then I write support to ask for a solution.Support answers 'check the forum'.

If you do not want any more of my money, just keep on like you do.


  • Lady_Choo
    Lady_Choo Posts: 26,416

    Good evening, thank you for posting on King care.

    King care and Customer support are two separate departments. It sounds like you got an automated response from the email side. Unfortunately King care is community based so you can get self help here or it will be handled either by one of us Superstars or a King moderator, if we handle it, and you can't get your issue resolved then we hand it over to the King team. So I don't get any of your money ;) 

    The email side have probably got a high volume of emails at the moment so you have come to the best place. You needed this link from one of our forum moderators here which explains the problems with connecting to Facebook at the moment.

    Can you tell me which device you are trying to connect with (the operating system) as most players are having issues on Windows 10. Me too :( 

    I know they are working on it and hope to have it fixed as soon as possible :)

  • Håkan_Berg
    Håkan_Berg Posts: 2

    Level 1

    Sorry to hear you do not get your share of the money, cause you do seem to earn it. In my opinion you should, cause you just saved King from loosing a customer. :)Yes, of course, I use a Windows 10 stationary workstation.I'll just wait for them to fix the problem.Thanks for your understanding. Have a nice day!

  • Lady_Choo
    Lady_Choo Posts: 26,416

    Aw bless you, no I am just a volunteer who likes to help players :) It is incredibly frustrating especially when you have to rely on other friends to help you out and they are nowhere to be seen. If you keep an eye on the main thread, they should update when there is a fix :) Thank you for being patient and glad you're not giving up on the game :)

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