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when I get my awards ?

graziagrande888 Posts: 19 Level 2
I REACH 4  BOX IN THE CANDY´S TRAFLERS (I dont know the correct name , but I am sure you understood) GAME IN FB GAMEROOM  I WAS ALREADY COLLECT IN THE GOLD ONE ... WHERE ARE MY AWARDS???Sincerly Grazia Weiss Levi


  • Lady_Choo
    Lady_Choo Posts: 25,037 Pet Rescue Moderator
    edited April 2018

    Hi graziagrande888

    I know which ones you mean, the tricksies. It seems others have had the same issues too, but I will report it and the team will be able to help you out. It won't be until Wednesday though as they have a national holiday Tuesday so won't be in the office :)

    Be careful using capitals in posts though as its like shouting and I can tell from your post you were not meaning to shout :)

  • graziagrande888
    graziagrande888 Posts: 19 Level 2

    Sorry for the Capiltal letters ... i am not so good in englesh and technologic ... :) yes I mean the tricksies , but today is Wednesday  and nothing is really happen ... :(

    Regards,in trust

  • Lady_Choo
    Lady_Choo Posts: 25,037 Pet Rescue Moderator

    Hiya, not to worry about the writing, you are doing fine :)

    Its the beginning of the month and I know the King team usually end up in meetings, as she has been absent from our area too...I know she has it, but I will remind her to take a look, hopefully tomorrow. Don't worry, she will get to you :)

  • graziagrande888
    graziagrande888 Posts: 19 Level 2

    P.S. It happens also 2 times ago that I dont got any awards , at this time also I was reach the silver if I remeber correct , you can always check I guess ;)

    Ciao G.

  • Lady_Choo
    Lady_Choo Posts: 25,037 Pet Rescue Moderator

    Yeah I think they can check so no problems there, its not your fault, its the games that should be working :(

  • graziagrande888
    graziagrande888 Posts: 19 Level 2

    Thank you to the compliments  !!! :D I am italian and in school I study French , englesh I learn by my own ... :)

    About your communication :

    Yes agree , but now the game is over and I would like to have my awards before start the next time . I spend a lot of hours in that game tricksies  most of the rest

  • graziagrande888
    graziagrande888 Posts: 19 Level 2

    Thank you for my englesh ... I hope to get the awards of tricksies  before start again 

  • Lady_Choo
    Lady_Choo Posts: 25,037 Pet Rescue Moderator

    Oh my! You do brilliantly then. English is the hardest language to learn apparently because of all the rules...and all the none rules, and the words that follow no rules. Its not easy for little people to learn to read it so you are doing well to learn that and French too :)

    I am sure Cez will get to you tomorrow or Friday at the latest, I have mentioned you have asked. I only just started playing the game a few days ago so I don't know how often the tricksies events come around but I agree, you need those boosters. Some of these levels are horrible!

  • graziagrande888
    graziagrande888 Posts: 19 Level 2

    Thanky ou SO much ... Ahahahahaha you are so funny !!! By talking about language : If you think that I did 5 years Danish school ( I live in Denmark since almost 22 years) , and I talk Danish too , not perfect but ok... Now you undersand more the Babel of my "hybrid" language ... :)

    I really hope to get all awards , also the backlog ...............

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