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Bubble Witch 3 Saga Level 256 Video Tutorial


  • Jodi_Lewis
    Jodi_Lewis Posts: 2

    Level 1

    edited October 2017

    I wish all of my arrows were always pointing in the right direction when needed. Whenever I reach the last 9  layers it seems to to be almost solid pumpkins.

    NDIGURU Posts: 3

    Level 1

    Nonsense all this bibles are the same color you can go almost halfway up witho one shot. This is no tutorial try do that with all bubbles are different colors and stagger.

    NDIGURU Posts: 3

    Level 1

    It will take you a 100 tries to get the same bubbles patter as this tutorial and if you already stuck on one level

    NDIGURU Posts: 3

    Level 1

    Huuum i just realize as well the second set of pumpkins heads up after the first five rows. Is not even like the the one I’m actually doing. Only has four rows while the one I’m doing has like eight lost count, stupid arrow if manage to hit it just right, will only brake about five rows at the time now my ghost is surrounded by pumpkins now all you can hope is your orb is full to be able to break maybe three more rows and the you stuck again using all the Bubles just to go pass those. I watched the thing several times and can clearly see why this tutorial is useless. Post something useful and really hard like the actual game and I give you some pros. So if the game is auto evolving why waste time posting useless info. I’m wasting time watching something that is not the same. Omg would figure out on my own by now.

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