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There are no fairies to touch on my friends homes for 3 days now.



  • BettyBurns
    BettyBurns Posts: 6

    Level 1

    Hi Everyone-  I am sorry that you have been experiencing a problem collect your Star Dust. Please could you let me know a little more information? 

    - Are your friends missing from along the bottom of your game?

    - Can you still see them on the map?

    - Which version of the game do you have installed? 

    - When did the problem start?

    Thanks a lot :-) 

    Have a magical weekend! 

    Many of my friends are missing. The onlyFriend who has had star dust in five days is the zach king guy. I'm playin on an iPad on Facebook. I'm so bummed to be missing out on so many days worth of star dust! Thanks for asking, I hope we will get all the dust we should have been collecting during this down time once this get fixed! I'm on the most recent update.
  • Cheryl_Burge
    Cheryl_Burge Posts: 4

    Level 1

    Hi Everyone-  I am sorry that you have been experiencing a problem collect your Star Dust. Please could you let me know a little more information? 

    - Are your friends missing from along the bottom of your game?

    - Can you still see them on the map?

    - Which version of the game do you have installed? 

    - When did the problem start?

    Thanks a lot :-) 

    Have a magical weekend! 

    It has been nearly 2 weeks now that I haven't earned fairy dust from my friends. Yesterday I was actually excited to see fairies on one of my friends' homes. No offense to Zack King, but if you delete him from my friends, will I stop seeing "Fairies Coming Soon"? They've been Coming soon too long! Can't collect dust, can't build new projects, only received daily boosters for 2 days, and since I can't do any building projects, I can't earn any Treasure Chests!
  • Cheryl_Burge
    Cheryl_Burge Posts: 4

    Level 1

    Hi Everyone-  I am sorry that you have been experiencing a problem collect your Star Dust. Please could you let me know a little more information? 

    - Are your friends missing from along the bottom of your game?

    - Can you still see them on the map?

    - Which version of the game do you have installed? 

    - When did the problem start?

    Thanks a lot :-) 

    Have a magical weekend! 

    Almost forgot, when I go to the Magic Channel to watch Zack's video, there is no audio.
  • Cezdiamond
    Cezdiamond Posts: 6,497

    Are you ever going to fix this problem?!? It's been long enough now. 

    Hi Kimmy- The studios are looking into this with top priority, thanks! :-)
  • Cezdiamond
    Cezdiamond Posts: 6,497

    Hi Cezdiamond

    In answer to your question:-

    My friends are still showing on the bottom and map  

    Im using the updated version 2.3.3

    its been like this for about 5 days. 

    Hope you can manage to sort this glitch out soon. 


    Thanks for letting us know :-)
  • Kimmy-2
    Kimmy-2 Posts: 32

    Level 3

    Are you ever going to fix this problem?!? It's been long enough now. 

    Don't belive you guys anymore.
  • Kimmy-2
    Kimmy-2 Posts: 32

    Level 3

    I'm done! You won't even respond to me. How rude.

    I don't even think that fixing this issue with the game is a priority,or it would be fixed already.

    I couldn't agree more! Not at all impressed. You can be sure I won't spend another penny on this game for a good long time.
  • Paz_Pazit
    Paz_Pazit Posts: 9

    Level 1

    Greetings!For over two weeks I have no fairy dust.I do not have all the friends on the map.I've written to you several times, but you do not do anything.Too bad that this is how you handle the problems of your game.

    How will I finish building Stella's house?
  • Cheryl_Burge
    Cheryl_Burge Posts: 4

    Level 1

    Been having this problem since Zach King update. My version is 2.3.3 and my friends show on the list and on the map fine but I get no fairydust from them. I always get fairydust twice everyday from these changing celebrities homes.

    I've also been getting fairydust from ONE of my friends at times (like once in a few days). I've even stopped playing because I need 20k fairydust for my next upgrades and I've only gotten around 6k in TWO WEEKS! It's gonna take forever like this.

    I don't even have the opportunity to do upgrades! Wonder how you have it and I don't.
  • Lynette
    Lynette Posts: 7,152

    Been having this problem since Zach King update. My version is 2.3.3 and my friends show on the list and on the map fine but I get no fairydust from them. I always get fairydust twice everyday from these changing celebrities homes.

    I've also been getting fairydust from ONE of my friends at times (like once in a few days). I've even stopped playing because I need 20k fairydust for my next upgrades and I've only gotten around 6k in TWO WEEKS! It's gonna take forever like this.

    Cheryl, do you get the 'coming soon' message? This is what you see when you've upgraded all your home items. I'm sure they will add more upgrades in the future.

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?