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  • MountainMom
    MountainMom Posts: 14,489

    Very good scores will start with 890; great scores will start with 895. We can only do our best.

  • MiladyR
    MiladyR Posts: 10,740

    Same here, all I keep getting are 9s. I’ll look out for the link.

  • Amoonmoon
    Amoonmoon Posts: 36,930

    Hello friends, I also cannot tag 🤗

    We hope that things went well for you and you got good results

    I tried to find out when the competition will end and it tells me after 13 hours. I don't understand how that will happen 😁

    I will be busy for some time and I am afraid that I will forget myself in the midst of my busyness. I also do not know when the deadline is

    So I'll post here in case I'm late or something happens

    I hope I won't be late and come back before the competition ends ♥🙏🏻

    These are the best results I got

  • MountainMom
    MountainMom Posts: 14,489
    edited April 2024

    OMG, I lost track of time while babysitting my grandsons all weekend. We only have 5 hours left to post our best scores HERE. Remember to add your username on your screenshot and our team name in your post

    Please copy me on your posts so I can report our team total.

    @Amoonmoon and @MiladyR

  • johamilton
    johamilton Posts: 27,652

    Hurry Hurry, I need a score for MyladyR…You only have 6 mintues left. If you have any screenshot please post it now ~ Please

  • johamilton
    johamilton Posts: 27,652

    Hello @MiladyR , any screenshot please. 3 more minutes

This discussion has been closed.

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