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On a desktop, waiting...been waiting for at least 2 weeks for new levels and I wish they toss us....

Joanz Posts: 24

Level 3

edited February 2019 in Support
On a desktop, waiting...been waiting for at least 2+ weeks for new levels and I wish they toss us some challenges, Library, Cave, the Lab, any or all would be better then not playing! 


  • Lady_Choo
    Lady_Choo Posts: 26,403
    Hiya @Joanz do you use the app version on windows 10?  I confess I don't know if they do them on that version or not, but I know they do on phones and tablets. I know they don't if you are playing through Facebook gameroom as that is based on the computer version and isn't as easy to add or remove things like it is on mobile. Do you have access to a phone or tablet? If not while you are waiting, you could always try one of the other King games :)
  • Joanz
    Joanz Posts: 24

    Level 3

    Well it's been a month and no new BW3 lvl 1420 is the highest on FB using Chrome on a desk top. No phone or pad! I play all BW and Pet Rescue.  Just tired of waiting for BW3 new lvls! 

  • Lady_Choo
    Lady_Choo Posts: 26,403
    Hi @Joanz according to their facebook post, level 1460 is the highest for now (released this week) but more will be coming soon. Are you playing through Facebook or the Kingdom?
  • Joanz
    Joanz Posts: 24

    Level 3

    Playing on FB, browser is Chrome, Windows 7!  I check several times a day but nothing past 1420. I've even checked FB gameroom still at 1420. I don't know what Kingdom is, if it's an app, I'm on a desktop, no phone or tablet.

  • Lady_Choo
    Lady_Choo Posts: 26,403
    The kingdom is playing through the site but apparantly the mobile versions are a little higher than the desktop version, which as you have said is your highest level. Hopefully they will unlock soon :) 
  • Joanz
    Joanz Posts: 24

    Level 3

    edited March 2019
    I hope so also!! 

    I just tried to play or open a game on, I'm logged in here, but it will not let me log in there. I've typed my email and PW but that's not working, so I requested a PW change but that says they don't have my email registered....but I'm here.
    I have look and looked over there to "register" but I can not find that any where.  Any ideas?

    ;)=) Never mind! I guess I had to confirm my email here, I didn't see the pop up at first! I did confirm and I'm in over there! 
  • Lady_Choo
    Lady_Choo Posts: 26,403
    edited March 2019
    No worries, glad you got in! :) The only problem being bubble witch 3 is only through Facebook I found out just so it won't work on there :( 

    I am waiting for a reply as regards events though as I am not sure they appear on there only mobile, going by behaviour on the other games. 
  • Joanz
    Joanz Posts: 24

    Level 3

    I got the Library Dance yesterday, that's done.  I PM their FB page and just got this for a reply: "More levels are coming, rest assured! As I don’t have any specific dates when the levels will be available in Facebook the best way to stay up-to-date is simply keep an eye on your game. Have a great day! ^JV" 
    So it's actually been over 5 weeks going on 6 sooooo I'm not holding my breath for new lvl any time soon! :)  Thank again Chicken Slayer!!

  • Lady_Choo
    Lady_Choo Posts: 26,403
    I will go and ask the CM @Joanz at least you got to see the library dance, I saw it briefly while collecting my daily bonus but had my grandaughter for a couple of days so don't have the chance to play it while she is awake as she is starting to walk and into everything. When I went back later, it had gone :( 
  • Joanz
    Joanz Posts: 24

    Level 3

    Thanks Chicken Slayer! It stinks it take so long!

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