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Magic Star

TempleKassing Posts: 73

Level 3

So a couple months ago I asked what this is. No one new what I was talking about. I finally got a picture of it. What the heck is this and what does it do??? (Circled in purple)



  • TempleKassing
    TempleKassing Posts: 73

    Level 3

    Sorry. I left out the k in knew!

  • Luna68
    Luna68 Posts: 17

    Level 2

    Das habe ich mich auch schon gefragt was diese magischen Sterne sind, habe einige Levels damit abgeschlossen....

  • PrettyBubbles
    PrettyBubbles Posts: 28,336

    @Luna68 Hi we only accept English language can you please in future use translation app.πŸ‘ Have a great day πŸ™‚

  • Luna68
    Luna68 Posts: 17

    Level 2

    Sorry, I just wanted to ask what are these "magic Stars". I can't find something about them and I have many levels with them.

  • kaiser1618
    kaiser1618 Posts: 268


    We don't have more infos right now on this mysterious star. I saw it once myself and didn't fully understand its purpose.

  • TempleKassing
    TempleKassing Posts: 73

    Level 3

    Well dang!!! The only thing I can figure out is that it gives you a higher score at the end. I don’t think it does anything special. Hmm.... thanks anyways guys

  • Luna68
    Luna68 Posts: 17

    Level 2

    I know why.... These magical Stars are only on hard or super hard Levels or on Levels with the Ghost, there is a medal game where you can collect stars or points only when you finish it with three Stars

  • TempleKassing
    TempleKassing Posts: 73

    Level 3

    @Luna68 Thank you!!! I was gonna say that I thought I figured it out. I just completed a level when that was activated and it said that I mastered a level instead of just completing it!!! It gave me 4 stars instead of 3 that goes towards winning the 1000 at the bottom of the screen. Where it says 1-15.

  • sakura
    sakura Posts: 165

    as far as i know, it's just another score to aim for! i find it impossible to reach without the magic hats. i don't really like the magic star. but what do you guys think? ^__^

  • PrettyBubbles
    PrettyBubbles Posts: 28,336

    Hi when you are playing a level, and you are arriving to the top "Normal" stars are in the bar then suddenly the bar changes and it transforms into a pink/purple one. Now the bar is longer and you have a new challenge score to beat. If you do it, when you go back to the map you will see that in that level instead of the 3 golden bars you will have 3 pink ones. It is to show off how good you are at popping bubbles and you become a master of that level. Just look at it as a nice moral boosting addition. πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ™‚

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