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I lost all my boosters!

Janger Posts: 48

Level 3

I had a gliche where every time I completed a level Billy would show up and say he has the key, bye but he never shows up or the treasure chest. I cleared the cache which did not help so I deleted data and signed back in only to find that I had lost ALL my boosters and I had so many that I purchased. How do I get them back? Please help me. Thanks.


  • kelcielovemary98
    kelcielovemary98 Posts: 1

    Level 1

    Love this game

  • PrettyBubbles
    PrettyBubbles Posts: 28,354

    @Janger hi sorry to hear that we never recommend deleting or reinstalling unless it's the last resort and we have not been able to sort your issue clearing cash Is fine but it's always best to do the trouble shooting advice first as you will loose spells we can not reimburse them. You can go to the bottom of this page and select contact us the support team are able to check you're purchases and may but only may gift you some back. What device are you on so I can give you the basic trouble shooting tips that we advise to everyone and also let me know how you get on with contacting the support team and I will help were I can πŸ‘πŸŒˆ

  • Janger
    Janger Posts: 48

    Level 3

    Thank you KimElston. I am on Windows 10 when I ran into this glitch. I cleared out the cache but it didn't work. Billy would pop up and say he has the key but I never saw the treasure chest. After every time I finished a level he would pop up again. This glitch is what caused me to lose all my boosters. Like I said, the clearing cache didn't work but after I cleared the data then he left. It was like I had no choice but to do this. My progress was saved but not my boosters. It is sad that I had this glitch which caused the loss but I did contact support for help. Thank you for your help and have a wonderful day!

  • PrettyBubbles
    PrettyBubbles Posts: 28,354

    @Janger hi ok let me know how it goes and once they get back to I will send you the trouble shooting procedure for windows 10 πŸ‘πŸŒž

  • Janger
    Janger Posts: 48

    Level 3

    I received an email from support where they told me to go to the help center to answer my burning questions or go to the community for answers. Not too happy about that response because I have done that and still haven't received any boosters back that I earned by winning fairy races and playing the group flowers games to earn boosters. I spend money every week buying gold bars so I was really hoping to get help by getting my boosters back. The funny thing is that once I sign back in I don't lose my gold bars or progress so maybe the developers can find a way to restore boosters too? Just a thought. One person suggested doing a system restore but I am not sure I want to go that way just yet unless you think that is what I should do. Thanks KimElston for your help, always. Have a great day!

  • PrettyBubbles
    PrettyBubbles Posts: 28,354

    @Janger hi yes thats a dissapointing outcomeπŸ™ˆ a system restore will completely update you but wont give you your spells back. My second suggestion would be to call customer services if you have time they can see any purchase you have made and be better at helping you as they are a friendly team. πŸ™‚πŸ’Ž

  • Janger
    Janger Posts: 48

    Level 3

    Thanks KimElston for your help but unfortunately there is no phone support and the customer support online just sends out a generic response to go to the help section or community forum. Due to the circumstances right now I believe that human interaction help is not available at this time. Hope you are well and have a great day!

  • PrettyBubbles
    PrettyBubbles Posts: 28,354

    @Janger hi there is a contact number but I have just found out that the reason you can not get a person is because of the current situation as there is a very limited staffing. πŸ˜”

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