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Astral challenge

Sybergypsy Posts: 10

Level 2

Can someone please explain how Astral Challenge in Bubble witch 3 works: ie what do you need to do to qualify for points etc?


  • Greetings from Adelaide, Australia.

    As near as I can figure it out you have to win games and thus get stars, which determines your position on the table. Haven't figured out much else yet.

  • PrettyBubbles
    PrettyBubbles Posts: 28,336

    @Sybergypsy @Margo_Holloway hi 👋 you work your way up the score board with stars earned in each level you play they get added to your score. Unfortunately if you are up to date and have no chapters ahead of you your score remains the same. If players have lots of chapters ahead of them when the league starts then they will continue to increase their score. I don't ever get to move up as I am up to date with my chapters. I have attached how each league works. But with out having outstanding chapters to complete you can never get enough points to win I myself prefer to be up to date with my chapters. 🙂🌟

  • PrettyBubbles
    PrettyBubbles Posts: 28,336
    1. There are 5 leagues:  
    • Broomstick League - Lowest
    • Cauldron League
    • Arcane League
    • Moon League
    • Astral League - Highest

    You compete agains other players in a leaderboard (these matches are based on your progression)

    For each league, players are being matched in groups of 15

    You have a time limit to get to the of the leaderboard. Each "time limit" lasts for 2 weeks. Each one will start any day depending on when the last one finished

    When a "time limit" ends:

    • The top 5 players receive big rewards and are promoted to the next league.
    • Next 5 players stay in the same league and get a small reward.
    • Last 5 players stay in the same league but receive no reward

    In case of the Astral League, since is the highest one:

    • The top 3 get a reward and on the next season "time limit" they will start in the same league.
    • The last 5 players will go back to the previous league.
    • The remaining 7 players stay in the same league.

  • Greetings from Adelaide, Australia. Hoping you and yours are safely weathering the Covid-19 viral storm. We are so far.

    Thankyou for that info @KimElston. I also much prefer being up to date with my chapters, some weeks it takes a bit longer that others when some levels can be quite fiendish. Any chance of getting the extra bubbles to complete a level put back to 6 please. I used to be able to get 6 but somehow since around the latest update they have dropped back to 3. In the scheme of things it's a small issue, but.....😩

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